A N DY Status Commissioning with colliding beams (p +p at s=500 GeV) L.C.Bland, for AnDY 22 February 2011 Time Meeting, BNL
2/29/20162 From last week… Select from jet-trigger events for HCal “high-tower” to be centered in module Display for each detector of each module the ADC count as color scale (black=greatest count yellow=lowest count) Events look “jetty”, as expected Cosmic ray trigger is essentially the same as jet trigger, except that the threshold on the summed calorimeter response is set at 5 pC (20 counts) This is a trigger that will work without beam. We have other cosmic-ray triggers that will work with beam, when commissioned, for continuous monitoring. The tracks test noise, patterns, etc. HCal Events
2/29/20163 ECal Gain Matching Use neutral-pion reconstruction for online gain matching. Determine software gain factors from reconstruction, to get mass peaks near physical mass for all detectors. Measure gain curves for each PMT, using LED and varying applied voltage. Combine software gain factors and gain curves to predict new HV. So far, one iteration has been completed. column 1: closest to beam
2/29/20164 Issues and Plans for next access possibility and beyond Resolve a few remaining single-channel issues Reduce HCal gain – limited scheduled access time last Wednesday did not allow completion of HCal gain reduction. We are in “production” with a jet trigger >100M jet events recorded. Last three stores had smooth IP2 bump removals In coming week… Increase DAQ rate (multiple tokens) Complete ECal gain matching ECal trigger development
2/29/20165 Backup
2/29/20166 Schematic of detector for Run-11 Equipment in place: HCal is two existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) ECal are two small lead-glass modules from BigCal at JLab BBC (from PHOBOS) and ZDC Preshower is newly constructed scintillator arrays Goals: Establish impact of 3IR operation on PHENIX/STAR luminosity Calibrate HCal relative gain via cosmic-ray absolute energy scale via ,K S … Measure hadronic backgrounds to benchmark simulations Measure jet analyzing power (L int ~10 / pb, P=50%)
2/29/20167 IP2 in January, 2011 Run-11 Staging of A N DY See for pictures of progresshttp://hena.lbl.gov/IP2/Business/status/<date Left/right symmetric HCal Left/right symmetric ECal Left/right symmetric preshower Trigger/DAQ electronics Blue-facing BBC Beryllium vacuum pipe