The Bumblebee Bat By Alison N. Parsons
Categories of Bats Categories of Bats The Bumblebee Bat is a Micro Bat. A Micro Bat has smaller sized bats, there are also Mega Bats which has bigger sized bats.
Habitat The bumblebee bat lives in limestone caves, and evergreen forests of Sai Yoke National Park in Thailand.
Characteristics of the Bumble Bat The bumblebee bat has a gray or ruddy brown fur in color, with lighter fur on their undersides. The bumblebee bat has a wingspan of 7 in and weigh just 2 grams, and are roughly the size of a large bumblebee! Fascinating Fact: The worlds smallest mammal is the Bumblebee bat!
Enemies of the Bumblebee Bat The Bumblebee bat has 5 enemies, birds, snakes, squirrels, cats, and some humans.
Bumblebee bats eat insectivores which means that it eats insects. The Bumblebee Bat locates its prey by using echolocation. What a Bumblebee Bat eats