Citizens United v Federal Election Commission JOSHUA EASTER
Who are these people? Plaintiff Citizens United represented by Theodore B. Olson Defendant Federal Election Commission represented by Malcolm L. Stewart 1
What do they want? Citizens United wanted to broadcast the movie Hillary: The Movie on DirecTV within the 30 day period before a primary election on the basis of freedom of speech. 2
When did this all happen? Was brought to the Supreme Court on March 24, 2009 Was reargued on September 9, 2009 Was decided January 24,
Where did it start? Started in the United States District Court Moved to Court of Appeals Ended up in Robert’s Court 4
Why was it seen by the court? It brought up a legitimate issue of law questioning the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution This is the reason for which we have a Supreme Court and it is only right that they chose to take this case 5
What was the outcome? Pt. 1 First argument was whether or not Hillary: The Movie could be published 5-4 vote in favor of FEC Shot down as it reveals matters of government interests 6
What Was the Outcome? Pt. 2 Second argument of whether or not corporations have the rights of individuals in the matter of free speech 5-4 vote in favor of Citizens United Determines that citizens and corporations have the same status under the law 7
Downfalls This allows people like George Soros and the Koch Brothers to influence government even more just by pulling out their wallet. 8
Downfalls Cont. People and corporations can now take advantage of this to warp the system further. super-pac---coordination-resolution-with-jon-stewart super-pac---coordination-resolution-with-jon-stewart 9
Why is it so important? Brought an answer to the question of whether or not corporations have the same rights as individuals This also brings about the question of whether or not it is legal for third parties to involve themselves in campaigns 10
Works Cited Pictures on Slide 6: ,00.html ,00.html Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Oyez. (accessed November 28, 2015). "Citizens United Decision Profoundly Affects Political Landscape." Opensecrets RSS. May 5, Accessed December 4, profoundly-affects-political-landscape/. "FEC Litigation - Court Case Abstracts - C." FEC Litigation - Court Case Abstracts - C. Accessed December 1, Levy, Gabrielle. "How Citizens United Has Changed Politics In 5 Years." US News. January 21, Accessed November 29, citizens-united-has-remade-us-politics. Stevens, J. "CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMM’N." CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMM’N. March 24, Accessed November 27,