I recommend that your pitch presentation includes some version of the following slides, with the appropriate information filled in. Feel free to modify them as needed, adding pictures and other information. Of course change the visual style to match your presentation. Ask me if you have any questions!
Name of your Pitch game Genre: Players: Target Audience: Release Date: Platform(s):
Name of your 1 st game Genre: Release Date: Platform(s): Lessons Learned:
Name of your 2 nd game Genre: Release Date: Platform(s): Lessons Learned:
Organizational Chart Include some visual representation of the people in your game studio, and their roles
Game Idea Spend several slides describing your game idea. Cover things like: Gameplay – what is it like to play this game? Art – what does this game look like? Engineering – What game engine will you use? Schedule – When will you be done? Budget – How much will it cost (with details), and how much do you expect to profit?