Strategic Market Segmentation Pertemuan 6 Buku 1 Hal: Matakuliah: J Strategi Pemasaran Tahun: 2009
Bina Nusantara Mendefinisikan pasar bisnis Mengidentifikasi faktor utama yang mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian bisnis Menetapkan proses pembelian bisnis Membandingkan pasar lembaga dan pemerintah Learning Objective
Strategic market segmentation (6) Forming market segments – Requirements for segmentation Response differences Identifiable segments Actionable segments Cost/benefits Stability – Approaches to segment identification – Customer group identification – Forming groups based on response differences
Requirements for Segmentation Segmentation Requirements Response differences Identifiable segments Actionable segments Favorable cost/benefit Stability over time
Approaches to Segment Identification IDENTIFIERS OF CUSTOMER GROUPS CUSTOMER RESPONSE PROFILE Characteristics of People and Organizations Use Situation Buyers Needs and Preferences Purchase Behavior and Loyalty
Segment Dimensions for Hotel Lodging Services
Illustrative Example: Gasoline Buyers Road Warriors True Blues Generation F3 (Fuel, Food & Fast) Homebodies Price Shoppers Higher-income, middle-aged men, drive miles a year… buy premium with a credit card … purchase sandwiches and drinks from the convenience store… will sometimes use carwash 16% of buyers Men and women with moderate to high incomes, loyal to a brand and sometimes a particular station … frequently buy premium, pay in cash 16% of buyers Upwardly mobile men and women - half under 25 years of age - constantly on the go … drive a lot snack heavily from the convenience store 27% of buyers Usually housewives who shuttle children around during the day and use whatever gas station is based on town or on route of travel 21% of buyers Not loyal to brand or station and rarely buy premium … frequently on tight budgets. 20% of buyers
Illustrative Consumer Perception Map Low Quality High Quality Expensive Inexpensive GROUP I GROUP V GROUP III GROUP II GROUP IV Brand E Brand D Brand C Brand B Brand A
Strategic market segmentation (7) Finer segmentation strategies – Logic Customized offerings Diverse customer base Close customer relationships – Finer segmentation strategies Micro-segmentation Mass customization Variety-seeking strategy
Strategic market segmentation (8) Selecting the segmentation strategy – Deciding how to segment – Strategic analysis of market segments Customer analysis Competitor analysis Positioning analysis Estimating segment attractiveness Segmentation “fit” and implementation
Customer Analysis Positioning Analysis Financial and Market Attractiveness Competitor Analysis Strategic Analysis of Market Segments
Segmentation “Fit” for Implementation Segment Attractiveness and Internal Compatibility Internal Compatibility Market Segment Attractiveness HighLow High Low Attractive segments that match with company capabilities Attractive segments but with poor match with company capabilities Unattractive segments that do not match with company capabilities Unattractive segments but with match to company capabilities