Congregate Meals Program Extreme Makeover Floristene Johnson, MS RD\LD 4th State Units on Aging Nutritionists & Administrators Conference – August 2006
Older Americans Act Title III Elderly Nutrition Program Number of Participants for Selected Years Table compiled by the US Administration on Aging Source: Selected Fiscal Year State Performance Reports For Title III of the Older Americans Act Fiscal YearTotal Participants Congregate Participants Home Delivered Participants Home Delivered as a Percent of Total Participants ,401,2062,412, ,73829% ,022,8492,147, ,09329% ,003,4132,112, ,48930% ,797,2751,901, ,72932% ,644,0101,760, ,94233% ,696,3301,743, ,03835% ,675,8781,747, ,89435% ,906,0781,905,4161,000,66234% ,787,2701,836, ,71834% ,746,0571,777, ,06235%
Total Participants
Congregate Participants
Home-Delivered Participants
% Home-Delivered of Total
Declining Participation Rates o Still In Workforce o Population Shifts -Aging in place Move to HD Program Deceased o Relocation o Institutionalization Assisted Living Nursing Homes
Section 307 (a)(2) The State will evaluate the need for Supportive Services Nutrition services, and Multipurpose Senior Centers
Nutrition Services Congregate Meals Home-delivered Meals Nutrition Education Nutrition Counseling Nutrition Screening
Intrastate Funding Formula Minimum Factors Section 305(1)(C Older Individuals Per PSA Older Individuals with Greatest Economic Need Older Individuals with Greatest Social Need with particular attention to low-income minority older individuals
Section 305(1)(E) Assurances Preference will be given to providing services to older individuals with greatest economic need older individuals with greatest social need with particular attention to low-income minority individuals older individuals residing in rural areas,
Additional Outreach Efforts for Area Plans Older Individuals with Severe Disabilities; Older Individuals with Limited English speaking ability. Older individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders