Demonstrators and Seminar Leaders School of Biomedical Sciences Dr Debbie Bevitt
SBMS contacts Dr Debbie Bevitt Head of School of Biomedical Sciences Ms Karen Griffiths Clerical Assistant
Practical and Seminar Leader Training in SBMS Opportunities for PhD students only (not Masters students) Debbie Bevitt currently ‘looks after’ all demonstrator and seminar leader allocations in the School Supported by Karen Griffiths, in the Teaching Office who does all the hard work... Dr Nick Morris does all the demonstrator training for the School and advises students on any training that they may need to teach in the School.
The School of Biomedical Sciences The School has just over 1000 undergraduate students Studying on the following BSc (Hons) programmes; Biochemistry Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Genetics BMS with Microbiology Exercise Biomedicine Pharmacology Physiological Sciences and MSci Biomedical Sciences, Genetics and Biochemistry We also have a number of American students studying on study abroad programmes, European students studying on Erasmus exchange programmes and Brazilian students studying on our Science without Borders programme.
The School of Biomedical Sciences The first 3 semesters of all of our UG programmes are the same (thus large class sizes). Undergraduates take laboratory classes in years 1 and 2 (and 3 in some cases) Some ‘labs’ may be computer based (thus in computer clusters) Seminars in all three years Examinations and other forms of assessment may also be invigilated by postgraduate students.
What the School wants… We are always looking for demonstrators, seminar leaders, invigilators etc.
Training To work as a demonstrator you need to be trained This is delivered as a 3 hour session over an afternoon No set time for the next session but it will be arranged when 20 students have registered for training. To work as a seminar leader you will need to receive more extensive training from the Staff Development Unit academic/itlhe/
The Labs… We currently have 4 labs that take up to 100 students per class. Labs typically run for 3 - to 6 hours One demonstrator per students May be some marking Pre-lab briefing with academic lead of practical session ‘Model answers’ normally available
The Seminars… 50 minutes in length – usually you will start as an “assistant” seminar leader May be question and answer sessions, oral presentations etc. Pre-seminar briefing with academic lead of seminar. Typically given ‘model answers’ and copies of the questions Class size: students (depending on year and programme of study)
Information… If you have any questions about demonstrating or seminar teaching then please contact me or Karen Giffiths To book a place on the next School demonstrator training session please