THE HISTORY OF FRIED CHICKEN 학번 이름 Speaking midterm
What is the first fried chicken? First fried chicken was started by black people. They made deep frying chicken because they have to supply energy from their labor. It was successful and they ate all of that even the bones.
In 1952, Colonel Harland David Sanders opened a KFC franchise to supply fried chicken. This is first franchise of chicken also most famous in the world.
Unique of KFC They make chicken with 11 of seasoning and frying in the pressure cooker. These are their own secret recipes. Also they sell special hamburger that called zinger double down. It is almost 600 calories so taste is really good.
Korea’s chicken history Korea have started eating chicken since It was supplied that came from a KFC. After Korea received KFC, a lot of franchise have emerged.
Unique of Korea chicken First, we have various chicken. Because franchisers compete with their own flavor. For examples, there are garlic, cheese, onion and pepper chicken. Second, our chickens are not big as American’s because Koreans want soft texture of food. So we use small chicken. Third, we can get a chicken just having a call. Korea has a really good delivery system.
conclusion High calories of foods are really delicious but they make us harmful and getting fat. But I think that these foods are essential in our life like vegetables. Because we feel happy when we eat delicious foods. So I want to eat KFC chicken forever.
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