Chemistry PODs 70-72
POD #70 11/23/2015 Write your first and last name and today’s date in the upper right hand corner of your paper. Fold your paper into fourths. Be sure to number and date each POD. 1.Using the systematic method, draw a Lewis structure for ammonia (NH 3 ). 2.Using the systematic method, draw a Lewis structure for carbon dioxide (CO 2 ).
POD #71 11/24/2015 Make sure that your PODs are numbered and dated. 1.Draw the Lewis structure for NH Calculate the formal charge for each atom in #1.
POD #72 11/25/2015 Make sure that your PODs are numbered and dated. 1.Draw a Lewis structure for O 3. Draw resonance structures if applicable. 2.A student is asked to draw a Lewis structure for H 3 SO and can’t decide whether the sulfur or the oxygen is the central atom. Draw both Lewis structures and calculate the formal charge to show which structure is more plausible.
Thursday, 11/26/14 Thanksgiving – NO SCHOOL
Friday, 11/27/14 NO SCHOOL