By: Nadia Zullo-Ross
Who makes up the VOC? Mr. Julio Gutierrez, VOC Coordinator Trained Staff and Volunteers Homeless Clients Homeless Clients The three reasons people find themselves homeless How do Homeless Veterans arrive to the VOC How are the Veterans addressed What prevents Homeless Veterans from personal growth?
Who does the VOC work with and how do we work with them? Local Homeless Shelters in El Paso HUD/VASH Local City Officials Myths of Homeless Veterans Department of Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Outreach Programs Substance Abuse Rehab Mental Health Services Benefits and Pensions
Contributions Allowed women back into the VOC Currently houses Veterans that are active students Featured in local media articles
Getting Involved Why should you get involved? Donate UTEP ROTC Annual FUN RUN How to get involved? Call (915) Myrtle Ave National Call Center for Homeless Vets 1(877)4AID-VET/ Questions???