IX Annual General Meeting of PANCAP: St. George’s, Grenada October, 2009 To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 2009
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Scope of Presentation To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Membership and Governance Institutional Strengthening Epidemiological Trends Programme Implementation Financial Report Emerging PANCAP Agenda
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Membership To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Distribution of PANCAP Membership by Category
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Governance Issues To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Country Representation on RCM To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Anguilla Bahamas Belize Montserrat St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Suriname Trinidad and Tobago
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Institutional Strengthening To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Structure of Re-organized PCU
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Terms of Reference Priority Areas Coordinating Committee To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Coordinate the development of operational plans Facilitate collaboration among Regional Support Agencies Monitor overall progress of implementation of CRSF Advise on resource needs in relation to CRSF Submit bi-annual reports to RCM
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS PANCAP Constitution To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Membership Ad hoc Committee on Development of Constitution To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Mr. Neil Pierre - Chair Suzette Moses-Burton - CCNAPC Yolanda Simon- CRN+ James St. Catherine- OECS Elvis Newton- Member State Representative - UNAIDS Representative, CARICOM Legal Department
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Time Line for Completion of Constitution To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Approval of Draft Charter by RCM by September 2010 Endorsement of Charter by AGM, October 2010 Preparation and signature of accompanying Agreements and Memoranda of understanding by April 2011 Endorsement of Charter by Council of Ministers of Human and Social Development, May 2011
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Epidemiological Trends To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
No of IndicatorsNo. 0f Countries % of Countries Indicators Indicators 6-11 Indicators 1-5 Indicators UNGASS Indicators Reported by Countries 2008
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Country % PMTCT Bahamas 95 Barbados 95 Belize [24-64] Cuba 95 Dominican Republic 41 Guyana [29-95] Haiti 22 Jamaica [45-95] Suriname [18-57] Trinidad and Tobago [37-78]
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS ART Coverage in 10 Larger Caribbean Countries
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Programme Implementation To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Guidelines for model policies to promote human rights finalized Regional Model Condom Policy endorsed by COHSOD Regional Model Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS actively implemented To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Regional Public Policies
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Regional S&D Unit established Anti-Stigma and Discrimination Toolkits in final stage of development Five key studies on HIV completed Study on drug registration and regulatory systems completed Total condom Market in the Caribbean expanded Out-of-school youth programme expanded To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Regional Public Goods and Services
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Financial Report To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
Source of Funds DurationApproved Budget Cum. Expend. Balance% Expend. of Total World Bank Global Fund KFW CDC USAID DFID DFID/KFW Budget Utilization by Source of Funds
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Financial Report To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS
The Emerging PANCAP Agenda To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Enhanced country level response – technical and financial support Emphasis on most-at-risk population - prevention Strengthening regional and national networks of PLHIV Reducing stigma and discrimination Enhanced strategic information
To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS Thank You!! To provide creative and dynamic services to PANCAP to enhance the regional response to HIV and AIDS