The Church defines violence as anything which harms the dignity of a person. The Life and Dignity of the Human Person is generally considered to be the most important social teachings. If a person’s life, safety or mental well-being is threatened, their dignity is at risk. In a small group (no more than 3), look at the photos given to you and answer the questions. Discuss whether or not the photo depicts or represents violence, according to the Church’s definition. Be prepared to lead the class in a brief discussion of your issues
Violence that is caused by social structures rather than by the action of a single person is known as institutional or structural violence Examples: poverty, racism, war, homophobia Sometimes the gov’t, businesses, schools have policies that deprive people of rights Realizing that injustice is a form of violence helps to explain why violence continues. “The Spiral of Violence” – one act of violence/injustice leads to another.
1. Basic injustice 2. Response to injustice with violence 3. Authorities respond with force to try to restore order. 4. The order repeats and continues. This spiral is seen in domestic (home) situations, neighbourhoods and gov’ts.
1. Injustices like limiting who can own land, unemployment, low wages, lack of educational opportunities. 2. Victims of injustice rebel – general strikes, riots, crime, terrorism. Sometimes these actions are non- violent. 3. Government responds with more violence – censorship, harassment, military and death squad actions, changing laws. 4. More violence occurs as a result. In the US for example, poverty and joblessness leads to petty crime, drug abuse/trade. Gov’t responds with force (more penalties, more police) – on the whole, violence does not lead to less violence. Catholic Social Teachings say the way to peace is working for justice.
Breaking the spiral of violence is difficult. Confronting Violence: A special report from U.S. Catholic Project Report: Father Bruce from the Back of the Yards Community in Chicago Some people accept violence as a part of life Some gov’ts focus on having more police, more prisons, more weapons – and the spiral continues Do you think we have the ability to love and use the virtues and attributes of God? Listen to the reading of “The Spiral Can Be Broken” from “Christian Justice” (p. 106) – describe the Kansas City gang program and why it worked.
Militarism means maintaining a large military and seeing military power as the ideal. weapons don’t create peace–they creates a culture of fear. Some conflicts are unavoidable and even help to create justice, but some are sinful and selfish. We should always try to make peace first Peace isn’t just having no conflict – it is a way of resolving conflict creatively. Jesus responded “Put down your sword!” – it was his last command to his followers before his death. Some Christians glorify militarism – sometimes with patriotism. Do you think this fits with Catholicism? Why?
The media confuses people by the way information is provided. Why do you think the media depicts violence in the way shown in this picture?
-War is costly and is also makes money for the rich -Do you think it is unjust to spend millions on military, weapons and wars when so many people live in poverty?
Jesus said to love our enemies – not to kill them The oldest Christian approach to violence is called pacifism (literally means “to make peace”) Christian scholars disagree whether Jesus taught complete pacifism Catholics can serve in the military, but can also choose to be conscientious objectors – some Christian groups are called “peace churches” Franz Jagerstatter – who is now considered a martyr was a Catholic conscientious objector.
Great peacemakers of the last 100 years include Gandhi, Martin Luther King. Father John Dear is a Catholic peace activist. John Dear: Culture of Peace What does John Dear say that the great peacemakers have taught us? How do the peacemakers say we should build a culture of peace? What did Gandhi say about Jesus? Name 2 teachings of Jesus that call us to nonviolence. How did Jesus demonstrate nonviolence through his actions?