Ethics Review Chapter 3
Review Ethics deals with what? What is morally right and wrong The ethical standards established by a profession are administered by? Peer review Physicians have nine principles that are the basis of The American Medical Association(AMA) Code of Medical Ethics, what should a physician do? Name 2 Have compassion and respect Abide by ethical and moral standards
Review What is The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act? Established a system of organ and tissue donor identification so that individuals can ensure that when they die they will be identified as a donor A document for the end-of-life care, written in advance when a person is competent Living will
Review An appointed proxy(agent) that must be aware of your wishes? Durable Power of Attorney What a DNR? Patients have the right to the “do not resuscitate” What is criminal law? Deals with offenses against citizens What is civil law: Disputes between individuals or organization(malpractice)
Review What is a Tort: A number of actions done by one person or group of persons that causes injury to another What is the number one malpractice tort? Negligence What is slander? Refers to oral remarks What is assault? A deliberate attempt or threat to touch without consent What is battery? Unauthorized touching
Review Define defamation of character? False statements(regarding a patient) When should a patient sign a consent(release) form? Within 24 hours Name some reportable(CDC) disease or infections? STI’s, influenza, chickenpox, hepititis
Review What are considered scheduled 1 drugs? High tendency for abuse and have no accepted(LSD, Heroin) What are considered scheduled 5 drugs? Very low potential for abuse(cough syrup) Why are patient’s medical records so important? They can be inspected at any time List some examples of inappropriate documentation in a patient’s chart, and can be grounds for a lawsuit Name calling, imaginary problems, lying
Review What is an emancipated minor? No longer under the care, custody, or supervision of parents The medical assistant is responsible to know and understand consent forms, but who is responsible for the patients signature and consent? The physician Where should the consent form be filed? In the patient's chart
Review Name a few statements about sexual harassment? The victim has a responsibility to establish that the harasser's conduct is unwelcome Everyone has the right to be free from sexual discrimination What is The Good Samaritan Act? This protects physicians who gives emergency care from liability for civil damages
Review What is a deposition? An oral testimony and may be taken in the attorney’s office or physician’s office in the presence of a court reporter What is a subpoena? A documentation to appear in court with patients records What is a statute of limitations? A law that designates a specific limit of time during which a claim may be filed in malpractice suits or in the collection of bills Medical malpractice must be brought within how many years of the date when the injury was discovered 2
Review Medical records are ______ documents Legal Medical records are property of? The physician What does abandonment mean? A physician who has undertaken care of a patient(may be sued)