Executive Summary Company Description Target Market Description Competitive Analysis Marketing and Sales plan Financials
Exertive Summary Make it simple but different Specify your products and services for Midas (Capital equipment) & EMD/EVD (NHIP) & SHUNT (NHIP) & STRATA (Patient Pay) Ti-Mesh (Patient) & Macrospore (Patient pay) & INVIX (patient pay)
The structure of AsiaEagle President Andrew Lin Secretary Lu AccountingNorth Specialist North Technician Sales other area JasonBrain South Specialist Middle Central Nico Allen Faith Sam Ms. Liu Sharon Duncan 江 Lucia
The structure of Sunshine President Anna Hsieh Product Manager Jack Secretary Penny Sales Specialist Kevin Sales Manager Will Sales Specialist Joy Sales Specialist Brain Assistant Sara Sales Specialist Boris Assistant Connie Sales Specialist Jacky Sales Specialist Sales Specialist Sales Specialist
Target market Description Taiwan is a small but beautiful island Teaching Hospital (18) 台大 北榮 三總 林長 中榮 中山 中國 義大 高長 高榮 成大 高醫 慈濟 國泰 新光 馬偕 彰基 奇美 北醫 萬芳 亞東
Hospital by property Public hospital Military hospital Veteran hospital Private hospital Religious hospital
Target Neurological –CHIEF / CR / OR leader P.SOTOENT
Strata ( Select Patient, Select Surgeons) Potential (old? NPH?) 高長 陳武福 中山 邱上明 嘉長 李明學 新慈 黃國峰 北榮 黃隸棟 北榮 黃文誠 高醫 關暟麗 阮綜合 楊椒喬 花慈 蘇泉發 花慈 林欣榮 高醫 林昆興 北榮 陳佳宏 北榮 吳昭慶
Competitive Analysis (I) Midas versus Anspach vs. Linvatac vs. Stryker vs. Aesculap MidasAnspachLinvatacStrykerysAesculap 旭昇柏暘世鵬昌偉柏朗 Focus on Neurological Neurological (drill System) Complete product line Low speed Orthopedic Middle Speed ENT P.S High Speed Neurological Irrigation System DrillReamer Offer Complete Large SAW Product line for Neurological Small SAW Including SHAVER SYSTEM Navigation Manual instrument Muller High speed system TelescopingDermatome CUSA
(II) SHUNT & EVD & STRATA (P.S Medical vs. Codman vs. 長安 vs. Integra ) 旭昇博而美長安 Poor quality cheap 大雅 EVDEVDEVD Focus on patient pay OSVII SHUNTSHUNTSHUNT ICP monitor Local mactifuter Mannial instrument Kerrison punch 7 人 7 人 3 人 3 人 2 人 2 人
(III) Macrospore ( P.S Medical vs. LEIBERG vs. IXION vs. Synthes ) 全曄上群時尙 Mini plate resorbingresorbing Plate & Screw resorbing Mini Screw Mini Screw Mini plate / Screw P.SOralP.SOrthopedic
Marketing and Sales plan (I) MIDAS – maintenance problem A. How to keep good operation in hospital for existed customer. B. Offer more clinical use for Tools (Burs) C. New generation for Midas D. Irrigation E. More product line ( low speed/ Medium speed/ high speed ) DRILL? SAW?
(II) E.V.D. ( E.M.D. ) -- NHIP Complete consignment A. Developing system to avoid corrosion price ( NHIP ) EXACTA B. Offer Lower pole cost C. Maintain Becker business D. Offer good service E. Get hospital code ( contractual arrangements with customers)
(III) SHUNT (NHIP) A. Complete consigment B. More clinical paper from jounal C. Good relationship with the chief of surgeous D. Good Service E. Get complete hospital code
STRATA ( Patient pay ) A. Select surgeons B. Select patient C. Build patient card and follow the result D. Operation assistance ---- Important E. More clinical report F. Good relationship and service G. Get hospital code
Financials Cost is too high compared NHIP see list list Hospital cutting—Please see below list list Transfer from 鉑康 上群 頂富,Total NTD 11,797,948 plus purchasing from Medtronic NTD 3,750,207 Total amount NTD =USD including slow moving 2,666,812 slow moving 2,666,812slow moving 2,666,812 The hospital code for shunt and EVD is not enough Difficult Job Strata no hospital code Tough Job
Summary Relationship — Hospital code Operation Training Education Service Following Result Clinical report ( paper ) Meeting AANS April 13-19,2007 AANS April 13-19,2007 Brain Function Brain Function Europe Spine October 03-06,2007 Europe Spine October 03-06,2007 Asian Brain Tumor Asian Brain Tumor NASS October 23-27, 2007 NASS October 23-27, 2007
Midas 1. Premixing tools 2. Keep motor good position 3. Developing New Surgeons 4. Maintain issue application 10ugh application 10ugh SHUNT & EVD 1. Hospital Code 2. Education ER. OR. Surgeons Training 3. Following Result 4. Stock issue 5. Supporting Activities
STRATA & Macro pole Hospital Code ( important) Selecting Surgeons Good Relationship Good service Card Code – following result Supporting Activities Stock issue