Adventure Japanese 1 Lesson 1 1か How do you do? はじめまして。 hajimemashite
General goals of this lesson: You will be able to do the following: 1.You meet a Japanese exchange student for the first time. Greet and introduce yourself. 2.You see Mr. Tanaka, your Japanese teacher, on Monday. It is morning and it is hot. Address him, greet him properly and ask how he is. 3.You lead the customary opening greetings for your Japanese class. Jon is taking his time. Report that Ben is absent and Meagan is tardy. 4.You are able to read and write Hiragana (basic Japanese phonics letters).
1か1 Self Introduction じこしょうかい /jikoshoukai かいわ はじめまして。 How do you do? Hajimemashite (This is the first time to meet you.) わたしは ジョンです。 I am Jon. Watashiwa Jon desu どうぞよろしく。 Nice to meet you. Douzoyoroshiku (Please be nice to me.)
たんご /vocabulary How do you do? (This is the first time to meet you.) はじめまして。 (hajimemashite) I (used informally by anyone) わたし (watashi) I (used by males) ぼく (boku) Particle marking the topic of the sentence} は (wa) Am, is, are です (desu) Nice to meet you. “Please do me a favor, or be nice to me” どうぞよろしく。 (douzoyoroshiku)
ぶんぽう /Grammar Noun 1 は Noun2 です。 Noun 1 = Noun 2. wa desu は: Topic marker in a senctence 1.I am Yamamoto. わたしは やまもとです。 2. I am Ken Tanaka. ぼくは ケンたなかです。 3. I am Smith. わたくしは スミスです。
Activity A. p.8( じこしょうかい) Everyone introduces themselves with proper bows in class. はじめまして。 わたし(ぼく)は ( your name )です。 どうぞよろしく。