口語教學與口試準備 國立政治大學外文中心 車蓓群 副教授. 大綱  課堂口語教學  全民英檢的口試  推甄的口試準備.


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Presentation transcript:

口語教學與口試準備 國立政治大學外文中心 車蓓群 副教授

大綱  課堂口語教學  全民英檢的口試  推甄的口試準備

課堂口語教學  何謂口說  口說的基本技巧  課堂的口說活動

何謂口說  Speaking is active, not passive.  Speaking is gaining ground.

口說的基本技巧  Practice, practice, and practice more  Get used to your own voice in English  Correct and appropriate  Talk to yourself

課堂的口說活動  Classroom language  Warm-up activities  Listening and speaking section  Songs  Patterns in use  Group presentation  Debate  Role play

Classroom language  Turn on/off the light/fan/AC.  Good morning/afternoon/evening.  Open your book to page X.  Read after me.  See you tomorrow/next week/in the afternoon.

Warm-up activities

Listening and speaking section useful expressions Asking for directionsGiving directions Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is? Can you tell me how to get to the pet shop? How far is the restaurant form here? Can you help me find the bus stop? Yes. It’s across from the bank. Yes. Take a left at the traffic light. It’s about a five-minute walk. Keep walking for three blocks, and then go through the intersection. It’ll be on your left.

Listening and speaking section


Patterns in use  P: Seriously, Justin, what do you think of good friends?  J: To me, good friends are those who make me happy (some people/make/I/happy) when I feel sad.  P: I agree. When I feel down, a good friend’s words always give me hope. Besides this, I think a good friend is __________(he or she/can/face difficult situations) with me.  J: That’s right. A good friend is ___________(he or she/have/a helping hand) to lend when I have problems.  P: And of course, good friends are __________(some people/spend/time/I).We can take a walk, have a talk, or do what we all enjoy doing.  J: Most importantly, good friends are ___________(some people/listen/I).

Group presentation Project: Magazines for 12 Signs Objectives: Enhance team work, critical thinking, integrate 4 skills Time: 3 weeks Teaching method: Communicative language learning, collaborative learning Evaluation: Peer evaluation, formative evaluation

Peer evaluation sheet : No. Name I am responsible for evaluating group _____________ The interview tells me more about the sign. ☆☆☆☆☆ The “celebrity” they pick is beyond my imagination. ☆☆☆☆☆ The questions can catch my attention. ☆☆☆☆☆ After this presentation of the interview, I would like to know more about the celebrity. ☆☆☆☆☆ The interview is worth stars. Still, I hope there is something else to be asked: Group presentation

Debate Inventing a Better World (Unit 7) The pros and cons of a highly developed technology world. More inventions equals to a better world?

中、中高級口說能力測驗 中級中高級 第一部份朗讀短文回答問題 第二部份回答問題看圖敘述 第三部份看圖敘述申述 全民英檢的口試

中級第一部份:朗讀短文  請看: I am writing to you to say how much I love your program. I never miss it. It’s the most wonderful program that has ever been put on TV. Nearly all of my classmates watch it, and as for the people who don’t like it, I can’t see what there is to complain about. Most of the actors are outstanding. I think you should make it a long-running series.  請朗讀:

中高級第一部份:回答問題  If someone invites you to have dinner with him at a restaurant but you don't want to go, how can you politely refuse? (in 15 seconds)  You hear that a school near your home is offering some English courses at night. Call the school, and ask a few questions. (in 30 seconds)

中級第二部份:回答問題  In some places we shouldn ’ t talk loudly. What are some of these places? ( 本題回答時間 15 秒 )  Why do some people say that it isn’t good to eat fast food? What do you think? ( 本題回答時間 30 秒 )

中高級第二部份:看圖敘述  Look at the picture, think about the questions below for 30 seconds, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes.

中高級第二部份:看圖敘述 1. What is the woman doing ? 2. Why is she doing this? 3. Do you do this? Why or why not? 4. If you still have time, please describe the picture in as much detail as you can.

中級第三部份:看圖敘述  下面有一張圖片及四個相關的問題,請在 1 分半鐘內完 成作答。作答時,請直接回答,不需將題號及題目唸 出。

中級第三部份:看圖敘述 1. Where are these children? 2. What are they doing? 3. Do you think they are enjoying themselves? What makes you think so? 4. If you still have time, please describe the picture in as much detail as you can.

中高級第三部份:申述  Read the questions, think about your answers to the questions for 1½ minutes, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes.  The Internet has become very popular these days. Do you use it? What can we do with the Internet and what problems might it cause? Please explain.

全民英檢評分標準參考  答題時須提供細節。  回答時 Fluency 比 Accuracy 重要。  應答口說能力測驗時,切忌沉默是金。  不能少達其中一題題目, 應盡可能回答所有題目。  口說評分從 5 分往下扣, 而非從 0 分往上加。  中 / 中高級口說測驗,即便發音不精確也不扣分。  中級題目雖然困難, 但回答時不一定要求複雜文法或字彙。  越高級的測驗困難度在於題目本身的思考與複雜度, 仍可 以相對簡單之文法及字彙回答。

口試準備 Four Types of Interview Interviewer’s Expectations Interviewee’s Preparation On the Spot Common Questions Conclusion

Four Types of Interview A. Phone screen B. Online screen C. University fair D. School-visit interview

Four Types of Interview C. University fair interview Target just a few schools Bring different versions of your resume Make good use of your and your interviewer’s time Prepare a 30-second self-introduction Gather key information like name cards for later use

Four Types of Interview D. School-visit interview Behavior-based: probe your past Hypothetical: connect the questions with a similar or related past experience Major simulation: study the major you are applying and practice at home Panel interviews: imagine yourself being a host in a party

Interviewer’s Expectation A. Do I want to teach you? Interviewers are trying to find out about you as a person. B. Will you mesh with the team? Team spirit has been and will be a primary concern.

Interviewer’s Expectation C. Do you really understand the school? Are you really interested in this school so you did some homework? Or, you don’t have other choices so you are here applying this school?

Interviewer’s Expectation D. Do you understand our department? Do you know what you will be getting into after you are admitted? Are you ready to face the pressure this major will bring you? All in all, how interested are you, and how good and trainable a person are you?

Interviewee’s Preparation A. Know the departments Surf the Internet and find out the qualifications teachers are looking for. 學校 / 系所國立政治大學廣告學系 名額招生人數 14 人 / 預計甄試人數 28 人 第一階段甄試 篩選條件 國文 ( 前標 ) / 英文 ( 前標 )/ 社會 ( 前標 ) 第二階段篩選 條件 學測成績總分佔 50% 創作一、創作二各佔 15% 面試佔 20% ( 人格特質與群我關係、興趣性向、思考表達/邏輯判 斷及推理能力、面試態度與臨場反應等。 )

Interviewee’s Preparation B. Know the school Surf the Internet to find out the campus culture, short and long term goal, school structure, etc. e.x.

Interviewee’s Preparation C. Know yourself Make a list of all the things you have accomplished so far. Find out the strengths and weaknesses of yourself. Use 3 to 5 adjectives to describe yourself and support these words with one or more stories in your life.

Interviewee’s Preparation D. Line up your references Find out who can write recommendation letters for you. Find out the relevance between these people and the school or major you are applying.

On the Spot A. Be Enthusiastic Talk to your interviewer as you are talking to someone you are really interested in knowing in a party. B. Be Confident Stand and sit straight to show you are confident about yourself. Look straight into people’s eyes when answering questions.

On the Spot C. Look the Part Dress formal and neat. D. Bring the Right Stuff PPT or portfolio or simple handout that would make you stand out. ( In most cases, no one will read it. BUT, bringing it with you will always a plus because it shows how well prepared you are.)

On the Spot E. Make an Entrance People judge you before you sit down. A smooth and graceful and confident entrance is necessary. F. Say It with Body Language Use your facial expression, gesture, eye contact to help you with your answer. Posture and the way you sit also count.

On the Spot G. Build Rapport Remember you are talking to a real person, so find the common interest between you and the interviewer to establish the rapport you need badly.

Common Questions A. Tell me about yourself. B. Why do you want to apply this dept? C. Why are you the best applicant today? D. What role do you usually play in a group? E. What project are you most proud of, and why? F. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? G. Describe a time when you had to perform under pressure.

Common Questions F. What kind of people do you enjoy studying/making friends with most and least, and why? G. Tell me about one success and one failure you’ve had in your life.

結論  善用課本  熟悉題型  知己知彼  Practice, practice, and more practice!