OCTOBER 26, 2015 Turn in Mankind Video Questions Bantu Migrations African Kingdoms You need a sheet of notebook paper for notes
Vegetation Zones
Geography of Africa Dominated by desert, grassland, and tropical rainforest Many geographic barriers hinder easy movement –Deserts, dense forests, waterfalls and rapids on rivers Abundant in natural resources –Gold, salt, copper, tin, ivory, rubber
Bantu Migrations 500 B.C.E to 500 C.E. Bantu-speaking people native to modern day Nigeria Bantu-speaking people spread throughout African continent Spread agriculture to sub-Saharan Africa Spread knowledge of iron- production Agricultural societies developed along these routes Many African languages are derived from Bantu
Sahara Desert Planet Earth Video: ch?v=ho6v8uDcylw ch?v=ho6v8uDcylw Human Planet: Deserts Watch 11:30-18:30
Bantu Migration Interactive Map s/socsci/ca/books/bkf3/imap s/AC_06_206_bantu/AC_06_20 6_bantu.html
African Kingdoms 800 C.E C.E.
African Society Africa is a land of tremendous diversity. The continent supported a wide array of societies and economies: –Hunter-gatherers –fishing peoples –nomadic herders –subsistence farmers –city-based societies centered around mining, manufacturing, and trade. In kingdoms, empires, and city-states, African peoples developed complex societies with clearly defined classes from rulers to warriors to tradesmen to slaves
African Society Extended families and clans served as the main foundation of social and economic organization in small-scale agricultural societies. Private owned property did not exist; common lands Gender roles and expectations were different than in other lands Creator god and lesser gods and spirits gradually blended with Christianity and Islam
African Kingdoms Ghana Mali Songhai Swahili coast 1100s -1400s
Ghana Located between the Senegal and Niger rivers United many trading cities along the Sahel –Sahel: borderland between the Sahara and the savanna grasslands Domesticated the camel –Increased trans-Saharan trade of gold, salt, and ivory –Traded these items for manufactured goods Used Muslim scholars, but did not convert to Islam
Salt Trade Importance of Salt video: s/mankind-the-story-of-all-of- us/videos/salt s/mankind-the-story-of-all-of- us/videos/salt
Decline of Ghana Empire High taxes on trans-Saharan trade Desertification: converting of fertile farmland into desert Overpopulation Taken over by Mali Empire in 1100s
Mali Empire Founded by Sundiata Controlled gold-salt trade Contained three large gold mines within its borders –unlike the Ghana Empire, which was only a transit point for gold. Trading cities, like Timbuktu, became very significant and influential
By the beginning of the 14th century, Mali was the source of almost half the Old World's gold The Mali Empire had many profound cultural influences on West Africa allowing the spread of its language, laws and customs along the Niger River.
Mansa Musa Greatest Mali ruler Converted to Islam Went on the Hajj to Mecca –News of West African wealth spread throughout the world –Brought Islamic scholars to Timbuktu Based Mali law off of the Quran Many convert to Islam
Mansa Musa TED ED video: ch?v=O3YJMaL55TM ch?v=O3YJMaL55TM
Mosque of Djenne, Mali
Ibn Battuta’s Journey
Ibn Battuta The negroes possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. Their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least act of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers…
Fall of Mali When Mansa Musa dies, there isn’t a strong leader to take over Nomadic tribe from North Africa, known as the Berbers, take over Berbers are later conquered by Songhai
OCTOBER 27, 2015 Finish Africa Notes Work on Africa Map Map Due Friday 10/30
Songhai Empire Founded by Sunni Ali when he conquered the former Mali Empire Capital city of Gao Its base of power was on the bend of the Niger River in present-day Niger and Burkina Faso.
Songhai Empire
Songhai Society Islam was the main religion of the Songhai Empire The Songhai economy was based on a traditional caste system. –The clan a person belonged to ultimately decided their occupation. –The most common castes were metalworkers, fishermen, and carpenters, and non-farm working slaves Bureaucracy established to run the large empire
Swahili Coast While the Swahili Coast had kingdoms, it was not controlled by just one kingdom. The region was a center hub of trade and commerce in east Africa. Centered on trade in the Indian Ocean with Asia –Different from West Coast of Africa which traded over land through the Sahara
Crash Course: Islam and Mansa Musa ch?v=jvnU0v6hcUohttps:// ch?v=jvnU0v6hcUo