Ancient African Civilizations Warm-Up: What made America such a powerful nation?
What’s the most famous African Civilization you know? The Nile Valley Civ.= The Egyptians When? (Began around 5000 BC) Where? The Nile Valley
What Should We Know About the Nile Valley Civilization? Their Gov was ruled by... PHARAOHS Their Gov was ruled by... PHARAOHS They were like… GODS They were like… GODS King TUT
Religion RA, the Sun GodThe Egyptian’s religion revolved around worshipping MANY gods. What do we call this type of religion??? POLYTHEISM… Poly means many! They believed in LIFE AFTER DEATH Pyramids were burial tombs. They held everything for the Pharaoh’s next life!
Kingdom of Kush When? When? (750 BC-200 AD) (750 BC-200 AD) Where? Where? Along the Nile, south of the Egyptians Along the Nile, south of the Egyptians Who do you think influenced them the most? Who do you think influenced them the most?
Influenced by the Egyptians and Assyrians How do we know? How do we know? –Adapted Egyptian Pyramids –Adapted Egyptian hieroglyphics into their own alphabet Also, they learned from the Assyrians. What do you think they learned?? Iron-making
Religion of the Kush Polytheism Polytheism Like the Egyptians, the Kush worshipped the sun-god, Ra Like the Egyptians, the Kush worshipped the sun-god, Ra
Kingdom of Axum When? When? Began around the early 300’s AD. Began around the early 300’s AD. Where? Where? Describe the relative location of this kingdom. Describe the relative location of this kingdom. They conquered the Kush They conquered the Kush Located in the modern day country of ETHIOPIA
How about their Religion? Try to guess… Try to guess… Hint: the kingdom began in early 300’s AD Hint: the kingdom began in early 300’s AD Hint: location Hint: location Oldest community of Christians in Africa.
Kingdom of Ghana When? When? 500 AD – 1076 AD 500 AD – 1076 AD Where? Where? Western Sahara and along the Niger River Western Sahara and along the Niger River What made them wealthy? What made them wealthy? Controlled the GOLD mines in the region Controlled the GOLD mines in the region
Empire of Mali When? 1300’s Where? West Africa They conquered the former kingdom of Ghana. Why?
They took over and controlled the SALT trade. Salt??? What’s so important about Salt? Salt preserves meat! How about their religion?? Guess….. ISLAM
Were they successful? For awhile They were wealthy from the salt trade Had a system of laws based on… –T–T–T–The Qu’ran TIMBUKTU became an important center of learning! Yes, Timbuktu is a real place!
One more thing… On the map provided, draw a circle in the region where each of these 5 ancient civilizations were located. On the map provided, draw a circle in the region where each of these 5 ancient civilizations were located. Label each region. Label each region. Then, on the back answer these questions. Then, on the back answer these questions. –1. What did the people of the Kingdom of Axum have in common with the people of the Kingdom of Ghana? –2. What did the people of the Empire of Mali have in common with the people of the Kingdom of Kush? –3. Besides being in different time periods, what would contribute to these cultures being so different from one another? Be specific. List three things.