A Clean Slate READ: Psalm 103:1-12
Today most students use pens and pencils to do their school work. But when my parents were young students they used a slate and a piece of chalk.
They used a damp sponge to clean their slate boards so they could reuse them. That’s kind of what God does for us when we sin. If we confess our sins (1 John 1:9) he forgives (or wipes clean) our sins.
God erases all our past sins through His precious blood. Jesus Christ became man so that He could die in our place to wipe away all our sins.
What a joy it is to know that our sins have been “blotted out” and now we can have a clean slate. Remember, we are saved by God’s mercy, not by our own merit.
Salvation by grace. What a wondrous,wonderful, loving God we have. We are redeemed by His awesome grace.