Public libraries fight back!
Voices for the Library Launched website in September Founders met on Twitter. Utilise number of social networks. Supported by CILIP, Unison, The Reading Agency. Sponsored by Credo Reference, ExLibris, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Share positive stories.
Provide factual data.
Connect the media with local campaigners.
Provide a voice for local communities.
Raise awareness of the impact of library cuts.
...but why?
Over 400 public libraries listed for closure. Lack of a ‘voice’ for library users across the country. Lack of awareness of what modern libraries offer. Growth of misinformation about library usage. An under-appreciation of the value of trained professionals. Lack of media engagement with professionals.
“[Milton Friedman] advised politicians that immediately after a crisis they should push through all the painful policies at once, before people could regain their footing. “He called this method ‘Economic Shock Treatment’. “I call it ‘The Shock Doctrine’.” (Naomi Klein, 2007)
...and how?
Use a range of social media.
Closures map.
Stories about books…
…and community.
I turn in my library card on the day of my death.” “I turn in my library card on the day of my death.”
Voices for the Follow us:
Photos on slides 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 17, 18, 21 and 23 taken from the Voices for the Library Flickr Pool. Slide 7: Chris Devers Slide 10: My Hourglass Slide 12: KEXINO Slide 19: Ozyman Slide 20: 96dpi Slide 22: splorp Slide 27: devilla All the above images are used under a Creative Commons licence.