SCOTTSBORO COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor: Jason & Teresa Lee Youth Pastors: Dustin & Allison Coffman 01/31/2016
FIVE WAYS TO MEAN MORE TO YOUR CHURCH 1.Be an On-Timer 2.Be a Friendly Greeter 3.Be a Cheerful Giver 4.Be a Willing Helper 5.Be an Ernest Pray-er
ANNOUNCEMENTS Tonight the Youth will be going to “Youth Encounter” at the Gathering Church of God. The youth service will start at 6:00 PM.
ANNOUNCEMENTS February 20 th – Bob Bogue and Tammy Venable would like to invite you to join them on this day at 2:00 PM as they exchange their wedding vows. There will be a reception to follow.
ANNOUNCEMENTS If anyone is interested in being part of our “Food Bank Ministry” please let Charlie Poe know. This will be a great service to our community.
ANNOUNCEMENTS The Ladies Ministry will have a No Bake – Bake Sale fundraiser, the whole month of February. All proceeds will go toward remodeling the kitchen in the fellowship hall. Address any questions and/or give donations to Sister Imogene Bradley.
ANNOUNCEMENTS February is Sanctity of Life month. Our church supports the Turning Point Pregnancy Center. More information and activities will follow. Information on the Turning Point Pregnancy Center can be found on their website at
ANNOUNCEMENTS Each Sunday school class has a Missions project for the year. Anyone interested in participating please get with your teacher.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Nursery Workers and Cleaners of the Church – Please check your schedules carefully. If you can not be there at your appointed time, please have someone cover for you.
ANNOUNCEMENTS There is now a new program on Monday nights 6:00 to 8:00 PM. “Out of Egypt Ministries” is a faith-based recovery program. Anyone that has, or who has had, an addiction, bondage, oppression, or spiritual need is welcome to attend.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Those wanting to be part our Special Singing, please see Sister Anna to be put on our list.
ANNOUNCEMENTS “Care Bears” Ministry – We can always use new stuffed animals for the children in the hospital. Please give all donations to Sister Brenda Murphy
ANNOUNCEMENTS When you eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the Western Sizzlin on ANY Sunday, save your receipt and give it to Brenda Jeffery. The church will get 10% of the total ticket price.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Threads of Hope is open every first and third Friday from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Donations are being put out weekly.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Please do not bring food or drinks into the sanctuary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS For those interested there are two new local Christian radio stations –103.5 K- Love and The Power! available in our area.
ANNOUNCEMENTS The church is in need teachers, substitute teachers and teacher’s assistants. Please pray and if God is leading you in this direction, please see Pastor Jason.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Birthday to: Wallace Gibson – January 31 st Ashley Hill – January 31 st Josh Hill – January 31 st Darrell Kennedy – February 2 nd Happy Anniversary to: John and Doris Aleknas – February 2 nd
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