How can we convince health professionals to be our allies in advocacy and changes in health care practices
Case 1 A relative calls the health centre and tells about her father who got diagnosed with cancer but that the cancer ward at the hospital have asked for a guaranty for several million NOK When the health centre calls the cancer ward the responsible nurse are worried about that the ward will end up with the bill After arguing the patient gets his chemotherapy, and a bill of NOK (about EUR)
Case 2 A 9 year old undocumented boy needs back surgery but is rejected by the Hospital – 3 doctors is publicly outraged In the media case about the boy the Health Centre states that the child has the right of care and points out that health personnell is lacking knowledge about the regulation The hospital is letting the doctors perform the surgery
Case 3 A asylum seeker is christmaslegged, is operated in one knee, gets then his final rejection and do not get an operation in the second knee The patient comes to the health centre in pain and is transferred to a new hospital, but rejected with «no indication for surgery» Complaining to the county representative
Dilemmas Health personnell as adm.persons Focus on production vs. Ethics Hospital vs. Patient advocate Where to put the responsibility Patient advocate and HP advocate Infl. by general political climate
Best practices? Right to health initiative in Sweden 61 organizations inkl MdM «Copied» in Norway with 13 organizations Granada declaration 92 institutions