The 5 th Grade Team Presents Curriculum Night Thursday, September 15, 2011
5 th Grade Cast Mrs. Cassandra Gettys Mrs. Cassandra Gettys Mrs. Whitney Godfrey Mrs. Whitney Godfrey Mrs. Marjean Howerton Mrs. Marjean Howerton Mrs. Julie McKinney Mrs. Julie McKinney Ms. Casey Thomas Ms. Casey Thomas Mrs. Teresa Farrior Mrs. Teresa Farrior
Departmentalization Math Team: Cassandra Gettys Cassandra Gettys Marjean Howerton Marjean Howerton Casey Thomas Casey Thomas Language Arts Team: Cassandra Gettys Cassandra Gettys Whitney Godfrey Whitney Godfrey Julie McKinney Julie McKinney
5 th Grade Show Times 8:15-9:00 AR/Morning Enrichment 8:15-9:00 AR/Morning Enrichment 9:00-10:20 Block 1 (Literacy or Math) 9:00-10:20 Block 1 (Literacy or Math) 10:20 – 10:30 Bathroom Break 10:20 – 10:30 Bathroom Break 10:30-11:15 Special Area (Music, P.E., Art, Technology or Media) 10:30-11:15 Special Area (Music, P.E., Art, Technology or Media) 11:20-12:35 Block 2 (Literacy or Math) 11:20-12:35 Block 2 (Literacy or Math) 12:40-1:10/12:50-1:20 Lunch 12:40-1:10/12:50-1:20 Lunch 1:10-1:40/1:12-1:45 Physical Activity 1:10-1:40/1:12-1:45 Physical Activity 1:50-2:15 AR 1:50-2:15 AR 2:15 – 3:00 Science 2:15 – 3:00 Science 3:00-3:45 Social Studies/Writing Integration 3:00-3:45 Social Studies/Writing Integration 3:30-3:45 Dismissal 3:30-3:45 Dismissal
5 th Grade Core Subjects Math Math Reading Reading Writing Writing Science Science Social Studies Social Studies
5 th Grade Math Daily Problem Solving Daily Problem Solving Place Value – Multiplication and Division Place Value – Multiplication and Division Graphing Graphing Geometry Geometry Measurement Measurement Fractions Fractions Algebra Algebra
Math Investigations… Makes all mathematic topics accessible for all students Makes all mathematic topics accessible for all students Uses concrete mathematical manipulative objects as a natural part of instruction Uses concrete mathematical manipulative objects as a natural part of instruction Treats problem solving as the primary purpose of mathematics Treats problem solving as the primary purpose of mathematics Assigns fewer computational exercises and more problems that require higher-order thinking for all students Assigns fewer computational exercises and more problems that require higher-order thinking for all students
Math Investigations…continued Asks students to justify and explain their thinking Asks students to justify and explain their thinking Incorporates group learning experiences into many lessons Incorporates group learning experiences into many lessons Uses different types of formal and informal assessment Uses different types of formal and informal assessment
5 th Grade Reading Imagine It Imagine It Workshop Workshop Accelerated Reader (AR) Accelerated Reader (AR)
Imagine It! Imagine It is our core reading program. Imagine It is a comprehensive reading program that includes daily reading, language arts, and writing. The 5 th grade IMAGINE It program has six themes that will be the focus of the literature being read.
Imagine It (Themes) Unit 1-Heritage Unit 1-Heritage Unit 2-Energy at Work Unit 2-Energy at Work Unit 3-Making a New Nation Unit 3-Making a New Nation Unit 4-Our Corner of the Universe Unit 4-Our Corner of the Universe Unit 5-Going West Unit 5-Going West Unit 6-Call of Duty Unit 6-Call of Duty
Workshop Workshop is a part of our literacy block designed to differentiate reading instruction based on individual student needs and interests. During workshop you will find that students are participating in novel studies, literature circles and small group instruction focused on specific skills.
Writing We will revisit the narrative, imaginative and personal structure of writing. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of clarification writing and persuasive writing. We will continue to work on creative expression. Spelling and grammar will be embedded in the writing curriculum to enhance the mechanics of student writing. Writing instruction will be integrated throughout the curriculum.
Cursive Writing Cursive Writing It is the expectation at River Gate that, starting after Winter Break, all 5 th grade work will be done in cursive. Toward that end, we will review cursive handwriting. For extra practice at home, see the 5 th grade wiki at
Science Through hands-on exploration and discussion, students will investigate the following topics: Weather and climate Weather and climate Ecology Ecology Forces and motion Forces and motion Landforms Landforms Students will attend classes in the science lab each week.
Social Studies Students will learn about key developments in U.S. history and the impact on the land and people of the nation. Key topics include: Geography Geography Early People Early People Explorers Explorers Thirteen Colonies Thirteen Colonies American Revolutionary War American Revolutionary War Civil War Civil War
Health RHASE (Reproductive Health and Safety Education is a K-12 Health Education Program. The RHASE Program will consist of in class discussions, a video, which will be available by request for you to view prior to the start of RHASE, and a culminating presentation at River Gate. Parent Permission is required for all students to participate.
Homework 30 min of nightly reading, must be recorded on reading log and signed by a parent nightly. 30 min of nightly reading, must be recorded on reading log and signed by a parent nightly. Language Arts Language Arts Word Study – Spelling/Vocabulary Word Study – Spelling/Vocabulary Specific Skills Specific Skills Math – nightly assignment Math – nightly assignment Science – small assignment some evenings Science – small assignment some evenings
Accountability Students will receive a mid-term grading report at the mid-way point of each nine week grading period. Students will receive a report card at the end of the nine week grading period.
Accountability…continued In 5 th grade, students will take the North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests in the following areas: Math Math Reading Reading Science Science
Grading Scale =A85-92=B77-84=C70-76=D 69 and below=F All grades are available via Parent Assist.
5 th Grade Behavior Plan Use of Agendas Use of Agendas = Great Day! Way to go! = Great Day! Way to go! 1 = Warning 1 = Warning 2 = Note + Consequence 2 = Note + Consequence 3 = Note + double consequence + phone call or 3 = Note + double consequence + phone call or Severe behavior issues will be handled by administration Severe behavior issues will be handled by administration Please remember to sign your child’s agenda nightly! Please remember to sign your child’s agenda nightly!
5 th Grade Communication distribution lists distribution lists Agendas Agendas Weekly Reports/Thursday Folders Weekly Reports/Thursday Folders Fifth Grade Wiki Fifth Grade Wiki AR Home Connect- AR Home Connect- meConnect meConnect meConnect meConnect