COLLECTING STAMPS Stamps should be stored in a clean, dry place, such as a shoebox. Once the value of the collection starts to increase, specially-designed tongs should be used when handling. Stamps should be transferred to a collectors' album and inserted individually, not back-to-back. Humid locations, such as basements, should be avoided in order to prevent damage.
The process of stamp collecting can be confusing for those just starting out because it can be hard to distinguish a valuable stamp from the others. Many serious collectors say that the best way to start a stamp collection is by not worrying about the value, instead choosing stamps that appeal to them visually, or that form part of a group or series. Depending on the type of collection being sought, stamp collecting can become very expensive - but it doesn't have to be. Most dealers and hobby shops offer packets of stamps at a reasonable cost, allowing for a quick-start collection.
Initially, an individual should start collecting a broad range of stamps, in order to give themselves an opportunity to see what types of designs are available. It is important for collectors to develop their own taste and build a collection based on personal preference. Otherwise, they may not enjoy the collection to its fullest.
I’m good at playing football. I'm good at running. I’m interested in collecting stamps. المجموعة الخامسة عميد بكور – محمد حسن عبد الواحد – أحمد خلو – أماني سالم – ميمونة سالم-فاطمة فرح