1 WIC Client Transfers INTRODUCTION
About the module This module is designed to help WIC staff become more familiar with transfer related WIC policies and procedures and with Client Services features and functions which support staff in processing client transfers. The module is divided into five sections: Introduction Section 1: Overview of Transfer Policies Section 2: Transfer Out Section 3: Preparing for a Transfer-In Section 4: Transfer-In The module is designed for independent study although review can also be done in pairs or larger groups.
Review sections in the order of section number. Test your readiness to advance to the next section. Review the slides then answer Learning Assessment questions. Compare your answers to those provided. Move through the sections at your own pace. You may find certain areas take less time than others to review. Revisit information or continue to the next section when you are ready. Consider only printing the slides you plan to reference later. The number of slides per section range from 18 to 59 slides. Guidelines for use:
The State WIC office is here to help. CIMS Support representatives can help answer your questions about Client Services and help you walk through steps. CIMS Support: x 7 Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) representatives can help answer your policy related questions. LATA: x 0 Call us with your questions.
5 This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Washington WIC does not discriminate. For persons with disabilities, this document is available on request in other formats. To submit a request, please call (TDD/TTY ). DOH March 2010