Newmont Mining Corporation Welcome to the Mineral Development Advisory Group Meeting (“MDAG”) for Newmont Mining Corporation Cambridge Bay, Nunavut October 26 to 28, 2010
MDAG: Terms of Reference What it is: Assists proponents that are in transition between the stage of conceptual project planning and the stage of preparing to enter formal environmental assessment and subsequent regulatory processes. What it is not: It is not to pre-empt or substitute for regulatory or environmental assessment processes.
MDAG: Terms of Reference Objectives: To facilitate the proponent's information gathering efforts. To help the proponent understand the type, detail and amount of information required. To provide the best possible information about legal requirements, precedents, the EA process and public policy framework. To ensure that information requirements are consistent and, as much as possible, provide for a seamless transition between environmental and regulatory processes.
MDAG: Terms of Reference Applications from proponent: Applications for amendments to Water licence Application for amendment to Doris North Project Certificate Doris North Phase 2 Project Description
MDAG: Terms of Reference Expected Results: Enhanced certainty for proponents — in terms of understanding land use planning, environmental assessment and regulatory requirements and expectations. High quality project descriptions and amendments that will fully inform Institutions of Public Government (IPGs) and regulators, and support meaningful public participation in any review process. Minimization of delays during environmental assessment or regulatory processes caused by basic information gaps or lack of understanding about relevant regulations or policies.
Meeting Timelines Tuesday October 26 Evening6:00pm to 10:00pm Wednesday, October 27 Morning7:45 am to 12:00 pm (continental breakfast served / lunch on own) Afternoon1:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Site Visit Schedule Thursday October 28th 7:00 amLeave Cambridge Bay 8:00 amBreakfast on site 8:30 to12:30Site Visit 12:30 -1:30Lunch on site 2:00 pmArrive in Cambridge Bay
House Keeping Information sheets Power point presentation - USB Lunch / Dinner on your own Enjoy the meeting