What is business ethics Business ethics is the behaviour that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer.
Advantage for investing in ethical businesses' Ethical investing is only investing in companies that meet certain standards Ethical investing in business can also have direct benefits, especially in terms of proxy voting. Proxy voting is when shareholders get to exercise their voice in matters of corporate governance. In the last five years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of votes taken with regard to such issues as human rights, environmental concerns and social responsibility. When enough people exercise their rights, changes can be forced upon businesses.
Disadvantages Ethical investing in business has its risks. Any investment carries with it the risk of loss, and it is vital that you research your choices beforehand. In some cases, ethical companies are more vulnerable because they have a shorter history, smaller capitalization or greater exposure to risk.
Least ethical charity in the world 8 million shoe boxes are donated to this charity every year, yet what really happens when they are sent off? They are filled with evangelical Christian messages and remove much of the stuff the good people of Britain have filled them with. Christmas-shoeboxes/story detail/story.html
Most ethical company in the world Timberland are an ethical company in out opinion as they have set up a new scheme called ‘earth keepers’. This aims to improve the standard of living of people in LEDC’s.
Our Investments We would invest in Timberland because of their ethical efforts. They are already a fashionable brand and their ethical aspect could increase share prices.