INNOVATE TO GRADUATE Proactive Advising Simplified WSU Academic Advisors Joy Thompson and Chrisi Kincaid
WSU Global Campus | Who We Are »Washington State University Washington state’s original land-grant university »Global Campus Delivering distance education since 1992 Nine online bachelor’s degrees Eleven online master’s degrees Online certificates, teaching endorsements »Student Profile Average age: 31 Varied backgrounds
Proactive Advising »Based on the research of Robert Glennen (Glennen, 1975) »Originally called Intrusive Advising »Blend of advising and counseling into one discipline
Issues Identification | So many issues so little time Advised? Enrolled? Math completion? Course rotation? Graduation plans? Career counseling? Writing Portfolio? Requirement changes? Connecting with faculty? First time at school? Entrance exams? Reinstatement? Petitions? Internship? Time management? Certified?
Issues Identification »How to deal with the flood? Identify and list all issues Know you will only deal with one or two issues each semester »Prioritize and strategize
Advising Administration »Advisors are busy! Show care by using technology and data to drive proactive advising Not quota driven, student driven Use technology to identify and remove obstacles before they become issues »Notes – Gotta have ‘em! Class selection Academic goals Career goals Work and family life
Goals »Meet with students »Address Writing Portfolio Holds »Track our interactions
Implementation »Implementation process »Team players »Conquering resistance Advisors Express intent clearly, positively Students Positive feedback
Creating a Communication Plan »Advisors: Academia’s first responders »Data driven care Gathering, storing, and using data that is available Data to drive the right message at the right time »Technology as a resource
CRM Demo | Advising Reminders
CRM Demo | Writing Portfolio Holds
CRM Demo | Student Advised and Enrolled
Communication Calendar
Results »Smoother start to the semester »Increased overall enrollment Newly admitted students – increased conversion rate by 7% System wide – 43% growth in enrollments since spring 2013 »Know what to expect going forward »Ready for next semester »Stronger student relationships
Thank You! »Joy Thompson, »Chrisi Kincaid, »Global Campus, , option 5