Agreements on... Interim ELDAS Data coordination meeting Time schedule for soil moisture production –Submission of results for two month period –Preparation, start and data delivery for 15 month period Mars archiving –Grid (rotated, regular lat/lon, both?) –Specification of output parameter –Interpolation (yes/no/who/how)
Status of Soil moisture production 6 day validation test period: –Extracted from DWD archive, results are presented in validation appetizer by Eddy Moors. 2 month validation period: –Results ready for submission, some additional data processing for storage into MARS Full 15 month period: –Preparation of Model suite and assimilation system.
Model version for soil moisture production
Time line for 2 month period of soil moisture production Modul results: Archived at DWD. Ready for preparation of MARS input. Archiving into MARS 10/2003 –Results can be stored on rotated lat/lon, technically no problem. Assistance will be given by Guillaume Aubert, DWD consultant at ECMWF. –Storage on regular grid results in loss of information. Double loss of information for potential LAM users who need to retransform again (e.g. for comparison). Therefore original unbiased results should be available.
Specification of output for MARS Grid for storage / both? List of parameter (Alterra) –3 hour values, 3 hour mean values (centered, integrated) –special validation sites with other time increment (0.5 / 1 hour ?). What data format? –in case of interpolation: which interpolation flag for the different validation parameter (bilinear, nearest gridpoint)
Interpolation of grib fields Input of physiografic data and forcing works –Ecoclimap external parameter can be transformed to DWD grib. –precipitation fields can be interpolated from ECMWF grid to LM rotated grid. Output of validation parameter –Interpolation LM rotated to reg. lat / lon doesnt work with DWD grib presently.
Interpolation of model output If interpolation of soil moisture needs to be done –Interpolation routine needs to be modified it should be able to read DWD grib, an example routine that reads DWD grib can be provided. –Specification of interpolation flag for different output parameter
Time line for 15 month period of soil moisture production Preparation: 10/ /2003 –Include Eldas external parameter: Surface height, FAO soil type, LAI, Z0, Albedo. –Include Eldas forcing: Precipitation –Complete Implementation of TERRA-ML into GME / LM suite on Eldas domain. –Adapt present SMA for multilayer soil model.
Time line for 15 month period of soil moisture production Start of Soil Moisture production 01/2004 –Critical run time problem. Two monthly period needed approximately 2 month computer time. –Some optimization can be done, maximum factor 2. –Start at begin of 2004 should be forced Submission of full period earliest 06/2004 or part of results earlier.
Time line for 15 month period of soil moisture production Update of assimilation system 01/ /2000 –rel. humidity, heating rates, brightness temperature –rerun, update results if full time can be recalculated –optionally only seasonal rerun / subdomain (?) –can be discussed in more detail in december meeting
Requirements Complete interpolation routine that reads grib fields on DWD rotated and transforms to ECMWF regular lat/lon grid (Bart). Final specification of validation parameter (List) –3 hour values, 3 hour mean values (centered, integrated) –special validation sites with other time increment (0.5 / 1 hour ?), data format –interpolation flag for the different validation parameter (bilinear, nearest gp)
Time schedule