Historical Turning Points
What is a historical turning point?
The Neolithic Revolution About 11,000 years ago people learned to farm (horticulture and then later agriculture) and domesticate animals Sedentary societies –Subsistence farming villages (just enough to feed themselves) Increased interaction Increased warfare
Other effects… Declining status of women More personal property New technologies (plow)
How was this different than the Paleolithic period? Should this be considered a turning point?
Emergence of Civilizations Population density (cities) will cause a need for more complex societies Particularly organized government to control natural forces by coordinating efforts of community (water, etc.) Strong tie between religion and government
Eight Features of “Civilization” 1.Cities 2.Organized governments 3.Complex religions 4.Job specialization 5.Social classes 6.Arts and architecture 7.Public works 8.Writing
Do you need all these features to be a civilization??? South America—no writing Nomadic pastoralists (living from animals) –Agents of change
Indo-European Migrations Aryans Latins Greeks Largest- language family
Features of early civilizations 3500 BC-1000 BC) Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates) –Sumer--independent city-states; polytheistic; cuneiform, ziggurats; city-walls –Sargon of Akkad (first empire) –Babylonians-first codified laws –Assyrians--warlike people –Hittites--iron knowledge –Hebrews--monotheistic people –Persians--excellent administrators
Egypt (Nile) –Importance of Nile –First unified state under pharaoh (god) –Polytheistic –Hieroglyphics –Deserts offered protection –Less innovative/technology because of protection –Trade with Mesopotamia –Less powerful nobility (pharaoh owned land) –Advancement based on merit (potential of middle class) –Women more valued than other ancient societies
Harappa (Indus) grid pattern (urban planning) plumbing advanced large size walled cities Great Bath in Mohenjo-Daro questions about government (no signs of palace) can’t decipher writing Vedic Age –Aryans invade –Vedas hymns; chants –Caste system
China (Huang He or Yellow) –River of Sorrows (loess) –Importance of nature; Yin/Yang –Writing –Shang kings controlled bronze weaponry –Zhou take over; declare Mandate of Heaven –Decentralized (feudal) –Different philosophies Confucianism Daoism Legalism
Classical Age (Iron) 1000 BC-500 AD China –Qin Legalism –Han Confucianism Daoism Buddhism
India –Maurya Hinduism Buddhism (Asoka) –Gupta Hinduism
Mediterranean –Greek –Hellenistic –Roman Christianity
Crisis of Late Antiquity Han –220 AD –Problems of land distribution (poor peasantry) –Invasions by Xiongnu (Huns) –Weak leadership –Increasing power of warlords
Rome –476 AD –Lack of values –Oppressive leadership –High taxes –Problems of land distribution (small farmers) –Too difficult to administer after split –Germanic invasions (following Hun)