LEAPT / GAPP GHA WORKER SAFETY INITIATIVE “Multi disciplinary Advisory Council / 5 Topic Hospitals” “Identify Worker Safety Resources” “Establish Best Practices” “Outcomes / Metrics” “SPREAD to all LEAPT Hospitals June 2014”
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 2 Worker Safety Data Collection 2013 Benchmark and Monthly Reporting 1. Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) 2. Days, Away, Restricted or Transferred Rate (DART) 3. Employee Turnover Rate 2
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going OSHA and MONTHLY DATA REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) 1.TCIR RATE NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents occurring for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours worked by all employees for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 2. DART RATE NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents resulted in days away, restricted or transferred for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ___ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours by all employees in the for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 3
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 5 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) TURNOVER NUMERATOR: Total Number of Employees who left in 2013 and for each Month = ____ TURNOVER DENOMINATOR: (Total Number of Employees in the beginning of the Year / Month = __) + (Total Number of Employees at the end of the Year / Month = __) Divided by 2 for an average # of employees
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. QUESTIONS? 6 Jean Allred