RDA Data Support Section
Topics 1.What is it? 2.Who cares? 3.Why does the RDA need CISL? 4.What is on the horizon?
1. What is it? Research Data Archive (RDA) 600+ datasets that are significant to many NCAR and University scientists Archive work began over 40 years ago Branded as RDA in 2003 Generally, focused on atmospheric and oceanic environmental measurements or analyzed products derived from them Critical data for weather and climate studies
Who cares? Growth in user access via the web, Promoted with more online data and better interfaces Consistent user access from the MSS Represents provision to NCAR computers 26-year record for filling one-off data requests Decreasing as web increases in recent years Over 6000 Unique Users in 2008
Rely heavily on CISL infrastructure and experts: Secure and reliable MSS/HPSS storage Disk to support web services Networks to bring data in and distribute out to users Computing platforms to prepare and serve the RDA DSS is Geo-science educated; need technical advise/support Current metrics Storage: Primary – 400+ TB, 4+M files All – 800+ TB (backup/working/etc) Disk: 40TB on SAN Servers and laptops Servers (8) mix of SunOS & Linux About 12 laptops/desktops Data movement and growth Why does RDA need CISL?
Complete User Community Pros: -Fast access to online data. -Access to all RDA content metadata. - Access to RDA data. processing services. Complete User Community Cons: -Slow access to offline data. -Have to create a separate RDA account and log in. -Data processing requests take a long time to finish. -Slow download speeds for some users. HPC User Community Pros: -Access to full RDA. -Fast computing. -No login required. HPC User Community Cons: -No access to online data. -Forced to use MSS as a file server: access is too slow -No direct access to RDA metadata. -No direct access to RDA data processing services.
Complete User Community Improvements: -Fast access to full RDA. -Expanded data processing services available. -Faster turnaround on data processing requests. -No need for separate RDA user account. Authenticate through Kerberos? -Faster download speeds (future tools with proper data usage authorization –GRID FTP, etc…). -Consistent “first point of contact” for user support? HPC User Community Improvements: -Fast access to full RDA. -Access to all RDA content metadata. -Access to RDA data processing services. -No need for separate RDA user account. -Consistent “first point of contact” for user support. ?
What is on the horizon? Transition off all SunOS to Linux Move SAN storage to GPFS GLADE Put more data online in GLADE (O 130TB) Fast access path internal and external Transition ALL RDA from MSS to HPSS Implement more on demand products Data extraction and computing across TB datasets Must be successful in GLADE, with HPSS, and using a scalable DA compute environment
Questions 1.What is it? 2.Who cares? 3.Why does the RDA need CISL? 4.What is on the horizon?