Do you believe the Articles of Confederation could have survived without changes?
Research the following ■ Average salary of a teacher in the United States ■ Average salary of a military officer in the United States ■ Average salary of police officer and fireman ■ Average income for a family of 4 in the United States ■ Average salary of a representative (Senator, Congress man) ■ Jobs and Education of Representatives ■ Cost of an election campaign
Assembly of the Demi-Gods ■ Who were the Delegates? (Read the handout) ■ Delegates were the “well-bred, the well- fed, the well-read, and the well-wed” ❑ Wealthy Merchants of the North ❑ Wealthy Slave holders of the South ■ Today’s Government Today’s Government ❑ Senate – 67 millionaires ❑ Sen - $2.6 mill average worth ❑ House $750,000 average ❑ Avg Salary - $175,000 ■ $96,000 average family ■ Hard to run ❑ Cant relate ■ Inside tips
Constitutional Convention ■ May of 1787 ❑ Named Washington President. ❑ Most recognized the need for change. ❑ With in 5 days scrap the Articles. ■ Recognized the need for a stronger central government
Three Major Debates 1. Strong Central government vs. Strong States. 2. Large States vs. Small States. 3. Slavery
Making a Consitituion ● No Chief Executive ● No National Court System ● No Power to Draft Soldiers ● No Power to Control Interstate Commerce ● No Power to Enforce Treaties ● No Power to Collect Taxes from the States ● Difficult to Pass Laws (2/3 vote) ● No National Currency ● Difficult to Amend ● (Unanimous Vote Needed to Change Articles) ■ Outline a Constitution you would make addressing the following issues: ❑ Weaknesses of the Articles ❑ Balancing Power ❑ Slaves?
Ideas for Constitution
Virginia Plan ■ Virginia Plan – James Madison/Edumnd Randolph ❑ Three Branches of Gov’t. ❑ Bi Cameral (two) House ❑ Both would be based on population. ❑ Proportional Representation ■ Who does this favor? ■ Pros/Cons?
Virginia Plan Proposed by big states Lawmaking body: Bicameral (2 Houses) Elected by the people Elected by the 1st house # of Congressmen determined by state population Based on Population
New Jersey Plan ■ New Jersey Plan – William Paterson ❑ Unicameral House (one house) ❑ Equal number of representatives. ❑ Expand Congress’s power ■ Right to tax ■ Elect an executive ■ Who does this favor? ■ Pros/Cons
New Jersey Plan Supported by smaller states Lawmaking body: Unicameral (1 House) Based on Equality Each state would have the same number of Representatives or votes
The Great (Connecticut) Compromise ■ The Great Compromise – Roger Sherman ❑ Bi-Cameral House ❑ One house based on population. ❑ One house had equal representation
The Great Compromise This was a combination of both plans… Lawmaking body: Bicameral Congress (2 Houses) House of Representatives Senate # of reps. would depend on populations Each state gets 2 representatives
Slavery…That is the Question. ■ Who should be counted as part of the population? ❑ Unity vs. Ideology ❑ 3/5ths compromise ■ Representation ■ Taxes ■ Slave Trade could not be touched until 1808 ■ Fugitive Slave Clause
What issues did the Constitution leave unresolved? ■ 1. ■ 2. ■ 3.