WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization General Overview Shelley Henderson Project Manager, Grid Software USC Information Services Copyright Shelley Henderson This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization PubCookieShibboleth
Overview of PubCookie
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization UFL PubCookie Case Study
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization USC PubCookie Case Study
November 2003NMI Testbed Workshop - AuthN/AuthZ Overview 9
November 2003NMI Testbed Workshop - AuthN/AuthZ Overview 10
November 2003NMI Testbed Workshop - AuthN/AuthZ Overview 11
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization Lunch Break!
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization Overview of Shibboleth
November 2003NMI Testbed Workshop - AuthN/AuthZ Overview 14 Shibboleth Solution Access without proxy Leverage local enterprise authentication Access based on role attributes Enables access from anywhere on web User can dynamically review/limit release of identifying information (privacy) Reduced logins
November 2003NMI Testbed Workshop - AuthN/AuthZ Overview 15 Architecture components Sun Solaris or Red Hat Linux Apache, Tomcat, J2SE Origin site (enterprise) requirements Handle Server single signon (SSO) or web initial signon (WebISO) Attribute Authority repository (LDAP, mySQL) Target site requirements SHIRE SHAR WAYF Resource Manager
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization GSU Shibboleth Case Study
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization USC Shibboleth Case Study
USC Shibboleth SCEC Grid-TechnicalReport.pdf Grid-TechnicalReport.pdf
USC Shibboleth Scholar’s Portal
USC Shibboleth Scholar’s Portal
USC Shibboleth Blackboard
USC Shibboleth Elsevier
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization
WebISO, Single Sign-On & Authorization Q A &