Financial Sector Interdependencies/Dependencies From a Regional Financial Institution Perspective May 2, /1/20161
Who Is Technology Credit Union? Local Credit Union Operating in Silicon Valley $1.5 billion in assets with 70k members 10 Retail Locations Strong penetration in “high-tech” industries Members are highly dependent on the “latest” technologies to handle normal banking needs ATMs, Debit Cards, Mobile and RDC (remote deposit capture) 3/1/20162
Dependencies Power (PG&E and generator) Staff (availability) Technologies (will they all work in a disaster?) Communications (will cell phones work?) Recovery Capabilities Critical Vendors (scattered everywhere) Other Financial Institutions (BARCfirst) Federal Reserve Bank (liquidity planning) 3/1/20163
Regulatory Environment FFIEC (Federal Financial Institution Examination Council) NCUA (National Credit Union Administration) CFPB (Consumer Finance Protection Bureau) California Department of Financial Institutions Annual Audits and Examinations, including preparedness for disasters 3/1/20164
Priority Gaps Education of staff on DR preparedness – Great California Shake-Out Availability of “key” staff Expectations of members (customers) in the event of a disaster – Access to money (cash is king) – 9-11 and Katrina lessons learned Generator failure following power outage 3/1/20165
Is TCU ready for a Disaster? For small disasters (e.g., power outages, etc.) Occupy activities The “Big One” 3/1/20166
Technology Credit Union Thanks for your attention. Michael Luckin SVP, Enterprise Risk Management 3/1/20167CONFIDENTIAL: For Internal Use Only.