ELAC Meeting 2 CELDT Scores and Moving forward February 9, 2016 Lilia Woo Tsui, ELD Kolb Elementary School
Official CELDT Scores Purpose of CELDT: - Identify - Assess progress - Determine level of proficiency Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Initial Assessment If Early Advanced or Advanced, Initially Fluent or Not Limited English Proficient (Not LEP) If Beginning, Early Intermediate, or Intermediate, then English Learner/Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students who: 1. Enter a California public school for the first time and 2. Have a home language other than English identified by parent or guardian
Annual Assessment - Given at beginning of each school year - Until all reclassification requirements have been met Students who: Are EL from previous year’s CELDT results * In current district or from any CA districts *
Reclassification Criteria: Passing score on CELDT (EA or A overall and I, EA, or A in each sub-test) State testing (Standard met or exceeded) On or above grade-level in ELA grade Teacher recommendation Parent notification and consultation This process can begin as early as 2nd grade.
Supporting our EL Students At School : Pull-out small groups Push-in groups Classroom teacher support: -Intervention support in RTI -Sharing of strategies and information
Supporting our EL Students At home: Read (English AND Home Language) Tell stories and sing songs Online resources Online resources FREE Homework Help (grades 3-8) at Dublin Library M-Th 3:30-5:30pm
CA Seal of Biliteracy Effective January 1, 2012 Recognizes high school graduates with a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English Provides employers with a method of identifying people with biliteracy skills Promotes bilingual pride Encourages language learning Affirms value of diversity Honors multiple cultures FAQs about learning two languageslearning two languages
ELD and Common Core Standards
Example Content Area: Math Listening and Speaking: “I agree/disagree with __________” “...on the part about ___________” “...because_____________________” “I think _________________________” “In the problem, it states ________” Reading and Writing:
Parent Involvement Next DELAC Meeting 2/17/2016, 6:30-7:30pm, at the District Office Parent Night (informative workshops) 4/27/2016, 6:00-7:30pm, at Frederiksen Elementary School Library ESL Adult Education classes Classes are full now but look out for when they are open again for next session. Website: Free app: DUOLINGO
Questions? Comments? I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me! Lilia Woo Tsui x6858