Innovation Fund Friday 23 rd of May 2014
Innovation Fund
Why was this fund created? The initiative came about in response to ideas raised through the CCG’s ‘Call to Action’ consultation and Commissioning Intentions event in November We want to commission services that will meet the needs of local people and reduce health inequalities in City and Hackney. The way we do this needs to be informed by genuine patient and public involvement. Through this fund we want to support projects that will test out new approaches introduce new ideas into mainstream services Introduce approaches that tick multiple strategic priorities and holistic approaches
What are we looking for? CCG Programme Boards’ priorities Maternity Children Planned Care Primary Care Quality Mental Health Prescribing Urgent Care and Integrated Care Long Term Conditions NHS City and Hackney CCG’s wider commissioning intentions We are looking for innovative ideas that bring together the following:
Fund themes There are four themes for the Fund, generated with significant input from patient representatives. These themes represent the broad outcomes that we would like to see in City and Hackney. For information on City and Hackney CCG’s wider commissioning priorities please visit our website: t-us/innovation-fund.htm t-us/innovation-fund.htm
Integrated services a whole-life service experience for patients and carers through integrated provision and co-location clear service pathways enabling professionals to signpost and users to navigate services effectively Confident and informed users making sense of the system and be aware of what services could be helpful for them feeling supported to access the services they need at the right time Building Independence feeling supported to live well with their condition feeling supported to look after their mental and physical health be enabled to help people around them lead healthy and fulfilling lives Involving and listening to patients Innovative solutions that draw on the knowledge and experience of users to drive design and improvement.
Programme Board Proposals Each of the eight programme boards have identified areas of priority they would like to see the fund address. Below are some examples of them, the full details are available through the application packs available here today. Programme BoardProposals Urgent CareRaising awareness of urgent care, redesigning patient information, developing ways of sharing information for high risk users Mental HealthTraining peer mentors to provide support around healthy lifestyles MaternityListening to parents ChildrenDeveloping an integrated services design pathway for children with special needs Planned CareIntegrating leg ulcer clinics with other services, Early detection of cancer Long Term ConditionsSupport for people with long term conditions Primary Care QualityBetter use of technology, Raising awareness of what Primary Care is and isn’t. PrescribingPharmacist led discharge medication review
Innovation Fund – key facts The Innovation Fund is worth £400k in total. You can submit bids ranging from £10,000 to £100,000 Proposals submitted in partnerships are very welcome but not a necessary requirement. There is no limit to the number of applications that an organisation can submit but we encourage applicants to only submit their strongest proposals Awardees will receive 50% of the grant at the beginning of the project and 50% at an agreed milestone In budgeting for your proposal we suggest you plan for a delivery period of 12 to 18 months.
The Future We hope that this fund gives us an opportunity to test new approaches and services and that the CCG as well as the winder community of providers can learn from. We hope to identify effective interventions that can be mainstreamed in the CCG’s wider commissioning plans We hope to generate models of best practice that will shape and influence existing services We want to hear from people and organisations that Have a deep understanding of the local needs and can demonstrate demand for the interventions they propose Can articulate a strong case for the change they want to see Have great ideas about how to transform and radically improve services Are able to demonstrate how they are involving users in shaping, delivering and reviewing the solutions they propose