2013 University of Scouting Eagle Courts of Honor Allen Park Pinch-hitting for Stephen York
Agenda Introductions (I’m looking for…) Thoughts about Eagle Courts Props A Starting Point The Process –First meeting –Second meeting The Court of Honor The CD… Getting More & Q/A
Thoughts about a Court of Honor An Eagle Scout needs a Court of Honor –Part of normal troop COH vs dedicated ceremony Boy designed for his needs Basic requirements Someplace and something special
Props Signs Candles Costumes Video or sound equipment Any other stuff that may be required
Developing a Custom Court of Honor – the First Meeting Parent responsibility –Selection of venue –Reserve venue –Identify guests of honor –Invite family and friends –Refreshments Scout responsibility –Selection of venue –Indentify guests of honor –Invite troop members and friends –Review boiler plate agenda –Review courts of honor, choose text/sections Scoutmaster responsibility –Work with parents and scout –Invite political and celebrity guests –Provide props –Provide mailing list for scout to invite troop members –Publicize with local newspapers
Venues Place that has meaning to the Eagle Scout –Meeting place –Church sanctuary –Camp Manatoc / Camp Butler –Local Park –CVNP Shelters Environmental Education Center –Home/Backyard
Developing a Custom Court of Honor – the Second Meeting Work with Eagle Scout to develop program Ensure that invitations are sent Ensure that reservations for venue have been placed Ensure that Eagle Scout has proper scout helpers, readers,… for program
The Court of Honor SM can act as MC or not Do guests need special seating arrangements? Where is troop sitting and are the flags present? Make sure that you have new candles, lighters, batteries for cameras/video and anything else required for program Start early to be prepared Reception
Serve refreshments Picture board or slide show Other Scout memories –Pinewood Derby cars –Patches –High adventure souvenirs Commemoration letters
Stuff on the CD Boiler Plate Agenda (something to start from) Stuff stolen from others found on-line Actual Courts of Honor
Getting More & Q/A