Environment & Human Rights
ELECTRICITY The power station, produces 45 per cent of Malta's electricity which has become one of Malta’s major polluting factors.
To address this a new gas implant is being proposed. This new investment will enhance Malta’s efficiency in generation to approximately 53% and reduce emissions by 50% and particulate matter by 90%.
TRANSPORT AND POLLUTION Traffic congestion is a major problem in Malta. It causes pollution and commuting may take double the normal time.
Electric cars are being introduced and marketed to the public.
Malta gives great importance to environmental education. Groups such as EKOSKOLA has been founded and helps youths become aware of their surroundings
WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS To prevent the further discharging of raw sewage into the sea, three new wastewater treatment plants were built both in Malta and Gozo. This means that in 5 short years the Maltese Islands went from virtually zero, to 100% of its wastewater being treated prior to disposal. Malta is therefore the first country in the Mediterranean and only the seventh in Europe to treat all its wastewater.
PARKS AND BIRD RESERVATIONS The Majjistral Park is a protected park where families could go for a walk and enjoy the scenery and quiet ambience.
BirdLife Malta strives to conserve wild birds and their habitats. The organization monitors activity that threatens wild birds. BirdLife Malta