Think back to our experiment's data, who had systematic error(s)?
If you said Cody, you're right! Cody used a 100ml graduated cylinder to measure one of his volumes, this was not as accurate of an instrument as a 5ml graduated cylinder would have been.
Directions: State whether each example would cause a Random Error, Systematic Error, or No Error. 1. Spilling. 2. Zero-ing out a scale with a container on top and not using the container in the experiment. 3. Starting a measurement at the 0cm mark. 4. No reading on a thermometer because there is not enough surface touching between the instrument and liquid. 5. Major temperature change before a snowstorm.
Answers 1. Random, you can't control spilling sometimes, it happens! 2. Systematic, if you don't use the container in the entire experiment, your measurements would be off. 3. No Error 4. Systematic, you don't have the thermometer in the liquid far enough, it cannot be read accurately. 5. Random, if you take a temp. before the snowstom and intend on going back later, you may have skewed results because weather change is not controllable unless you spend your entire life in a bubble.