Executive Master Intercultural Communication Lugano 2012 Modul Fleiner Class 3: Principles
Swiss Diversity With regard to Languages Religion and Municipalities
French Italien German Austria Romonsh
Protestant (Dark) 40% Catholic white 46% Religion
Constitutional Principles With regard to the Reality of Diversity
LegitimacyRule of Law Shared Rule Self-Rule Democracy
1. Take cultural diversity seriously 2. Fatherland for minorities 3. Composed Nation 4. Multiple loyalty Legitimacy
1. Take cultural diversity seriously 2. Fatherland for minorities 3. Composed Nation 4. Multiple loyalty multiple Citizenship Preamble of the Constitution: Determined to live together with their diversities respecting each other and in equity, Article 37 Nationality and Citizenships Everyone who holds citizenship of a Commune, and of the Canton to which it belongs, has Swiss citizenship. Article 1 The Swiss Confederation (Prev. Const.) The Peoples united by the actual alliance of the Cantons of Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, …. and Jura form in tehir totality the Swiss Confederation.
Rule of Law 5. The Right to be different, or: equal rights versus the right to be equal 6. Four Dimension of Freedom: From, By, To, Within, the State 7. Liberty and Peace
5. The Right to be different, or: equal rights versus the right to be equal 6. Four Dimension of Freedom: From, By, To, Within, the State 7. Liberty and Peace Article 4 National Languages The National Languages are German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Article 18 Freedom of Language The freedom of language is guaranteed. Art. 70 Par.2 In order to preserve harmony between linguistic com- munities, the cantons shall respect the traditional territorial distribution of languages, and shall take indigenous linguistic minorities into account.
Shared Rule 8. Participation of ethnic Groups In Constitution making 9. Power sharing of cultural communities
Art. 53 (2) All alterations to the number of the Cantons, or to their status, are subject to the assent of the rele- vant electorate and of the Cantons concerned, and also of a double vote of the People and the Cantons. (3) All changes to the territory of a Canton are subject to the approval of the electorate of the Cantons con- cerned, and to the assent of the Federal Assembly in the form of a federal decree. Article 45 Participation in Federal Decision Making (1)In the cases specified by the Federal Constitution, the Cantons shall participate in the decision-making process at the federal level, in particular in formulating federal legislation. (2) The Confederation shall inform the Cantons of its plans, fully and in good time; it shall consult them if their interests are likely to be affected.
Self Rule 10. Autonomy 11. Enhancing diversity to overcome ethnification of politics
10. Autonomy 11. Enhancing diversity to overcome ethnification of politics Article 3 Cantons The Cantons are sovereign insofar as their sove- reignty is not limited by the Federal Constitution; Article 2 (2) It (Confederation) shall promote…., the internal cohesion and the cultural diversity of the country.
Democracy 12. Self-determination of individuals as aim of democracy 13. Value of compromise as alternative to the winner takes all democracy 14. Conflict management
12. Self-determination of individuals as aim of democracy 13. Value of compromise as alternative to the winner takes all democracy 14. Conflict management Art Disputes between Cantons or between Cantons and the Confederation shall wherever possible be resolved by negotiation or mediation. Art. 175 The various regions and language communities must be equitably represented in the Federal Council. Preamble Resolved to renew their alliance so as to strengthen liberty, de- mocracy, independence and peace in a spirit of solidarity and openness towards the world