At Roxbury Elementary School Solon, Ohio
Mrs. Armentrout’s Schedule :45 - 8:00Bellwork 8:00 - 9:10Math 9:00 – 10:00 Reader’s Workshop 10: :00 Writer’s Workshop 11:00-11:10 Word Study 12: :55Lunch/Recess 12:55-1:00Planners 1:00 - 1:50Science or Social Studies 1:50- 2:25No New Instruction-Differentiated Math Activities 2:25 Clean up and Pack Up 2:30Dismissal
Math Revised math series – enVision mathenVision math Aligned to the Common Core, Daily “Quick-check” at end of each day – corrective instruction provided during No New Instruction time Enrichment for students as needed Third Grade Focus: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers & Operations in Base 10 Numbers & Operations in Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Fluency in all facts by end of year!
Math Topics-approximately four per quarter and then a benchmark test 1 Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 2 Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns 3 Apply Properties: Multiplication Facts for 3,4, 6,7, 8 4 Use Multiplication to Divide: Division Facts 5 Fluently Multiply and Divide within Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition 7 Represent and Interpret Data 8 Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract 9 Fluently Add and Subtract within 1, Multiply by Multiples of Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems 12 Understand Fractions as Numbers 13 Fraction Equivalence and Comparison 14 Solve Time, Capacity and Mass Problems 15 Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes 16 Solve Perimeter Problems
How can I help my child in math this year? Tell time and count money together. Ask real-world questions such as: “What time is it? What time will it be in 15 minutes?” “How much time before soccer practice begins?” “How much change should we get after we buy these pencils?” “How much more money do you need before you can buy....?” Check over math homework together. Check over math assessments together. Let the teacher know if there is a concept that is particularly difficult for your child.
Reading Workshop Mini-Lesson - Daily, brief, whole group lessons about how reading works or how readers work. Independent Reading – daily, silent, sustained reading from a self-selected text. Students are expected to read “just right” books from a variety of genres, stay on task, and analyze their thinking, completing a daily reading log Guided Reading - Students are grouped according to needs and appropriate focus. Book levels are based on Developmental Reading Assessment results given in the fall, and January.
Reading Units of Study Building a Reading Life Reading to Learn Character Studies Solving the Mystery Before the Detective Research Clubs: Elephants, Penguins, & Frugs, Oh My! Biography Book Clubs Little Things Are Big: Making Meaning from Poems
Writing Units of Study Crafting True Stories The Art of Informational Writing Information Writing: Reading, Research, and Writing in the Content Areas Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials The Literary Essay: Equipping Ourselves with the Tools to Write Expository Texts that Advance an Idea about Literature Once Upon a Time: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales Poetry: Writing, Thinking, and Seeing More Revision ongoing part of all units.
Word Study Word Study – looking at spelling generalizations Grouped according to needs, based on DSA given in September How can parents help their children with spelling? Encourage your child to reread his/her work. Have your child identify words that do not look correct. This is the first step to better spelling. Encourage your child to apply the spelling patterns he/she knows.
Specials Monday - Music – Mrs. Scott Tuesday –Gym-Mr. Wisniewski Wednesday –Library-Mrs. Margelefesky Thursday –Art-Mr. Martin Friday – please see rotational schedule
Social Studies Units of Study Citizenship and Problem Solving Solon History & People in Societies (Culture) Geography Economics
Science Units Earth’s Resources Rocks and soil Renewable and non-renewable resources Plants and Animals Life cycles adaptations Matter
Snacks and Birthday Treats We have a snack during our reading mini lesson. Snacks must be healthy and peanut free -no candy, cookies or cake, please. Only water is allowed. You are welcome to send in individual birthday treats on your child’s birthday. These do NOT have to be healthy. (21 students) Napkins and treats that are all the same are appreciated! We typically enjoy the treats during NNI time. If your child has a food allergy, please let me know. We do have a student with a peanut allergy.
Homework Students are to be reading an average of 30 minutes nightly – should be completing their reading log nightly. Math homework nightly Students are to practice math facts 3 times a week for 10 minutes. Expectation that students will be fluent in facts by end of third grade. Please check over your child’s homework. Occasional content area (science and social studies) homework.
Family Information System The Family Information System is a vital parent-teacher link. On my classroom website, you will find:classroom website, Calendar: –Upcoming assessments –Holidays –Field trips –Homework (we also fill in a planner page daily) –Special events Class News and Photos Useful website links that can support your child’s learning access to the teacher
Third Grade State Testing 3 rd Grade Fall English Language Arts Dec 2 & 3 3 rd Grade Spring English Language Arts Apr 19 & 20 3 rd Grade Math (Spring only) May rd Grade Guarantee – Students who are not at benchmark (level 30) on a Developmental Reading Assessment and/or the 2 nd grade reading diagnostic. Parents will receive a letter and students will be closely monitored in our Response To Intervention (pyramid) process with a reading intervention plan for 1 year with parents coming in on a monthly basis. To “graduate” from the 3 rd grade guarantee a student must meet benchmarks for the end of year reading test and DRA2 level 38.
Typing End of year expectation is 1 typed double spaced in size 12 point per writing workshop session composed on computer Type to Learn-practice at home and during library time Students will take paper/pencil assessments this year-it is expected that future assessments will be online.
Behavior Expectations Roxbury Rules: I choose to follow directions I choose to do my best I choose to use kind words, kind hands and kind feet Rewards: Rocket Rewards Individual, Table and Class Maximum learning, good grades and good friends Consequences: Clip Down on behavior chart (warning, consequence, parent contact) Growth Mindset Roxbury is a growth mindset school. “When students and educators have a growth mindset, they understand that intelligence can be developed. Students focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter.”
Important Reminders Security – please remember to enter through the front doors. If you are dropping an item off, it must be dropped off in the office, not brought to the classroom. Eforms –Please go directly to the computer lab to complete if you have not done so. Letters were mailed with child’s used ID and password. Contact the school office if you need this information. eForms must be completed prior to our first field trip. Planned absences – parents must complete a Planned Absence form. Forms are in the office, or you can Mrs. Piscura or me.
How to get in touch with me: Voic , ext If calling about a bus change or pick-up change, please call the office directly instead of leaving me a voic * (preferred) I check daily as I am able to do so Fall Conference: Please sign up at the end of the presentation for a conference time. I will send a reminder of your time with the first quarter report card. Additional Conferences: As needed, please call or to schedule a time to meet.
Important Upoming Dtes No school – Sept 14 th Topic 2 Math Assessment Sept. 11 th and 15 th No school –Sept 23 rd Chapin Forest Field Trip – Sept 24 th Earth’s Resources Assessment- Week of Oct. 13 th
We are a team! Together, we can make this a positive, successful year for you child! Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.
Reminders Please write a note to your child and leave it on or inside his/her desk Send in headphones for computer work Complete forms for PTA and return as soon as possible Sign up for conference times Sign up to help with parties and/or field trips
PTA Announcements
Thank you for coming tonight! I look forward to seeing each of you at our fall conference.