Update on Work Package 2 European Union European Regional Development Fund.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on Work Package 2 European Union European Regional Development Fund

Model Agreements Action: Peer review model agreements for place-keeping in different settings Completed: Peer review process coordinated by HWU through discussion et events & online Results presented in Edinburgh May 2011 and used in Emmen Workshop June 2011 Model agreements analysis report available in the MP4 online library MP4 Partner Meeting Edinburgh May 2011

Spatial Planning Workshop Action: Spatial Planning Workshop, Emmen Completed: Held 20/21 June 2011 – 20/30 people Partly combined with a study visit of Life Long Learning (LLL) project “POWER” – common focus: addressing local communities to become more involved in local activities Used as basis for PK in masterplanning report MP4 Partner Meeting Edinburgh May 2011

Place-keeping in masterplanning Action: Exposition of place-keeping in masterplanning (report) Ongoing: Discussions in Spatial Planning Workshop (Emmen, June 2011) designed as input to report Aarhus Lab – Skejby used as case study Draft report in preparation by HWU, scheduled for completion by end of 2011 – aim to have available in online library January 2012 MP4 Partner Meeting Edinburgh May 2011

PK in masterplanning Structure I – Introduction II – Place-Keeping III – Masterplanning IV – Critique of Masterplanning V – Key elements for integration of Place-Keeping in Masterplanning V.1 – General integration (process preparation, definition of brief, design of masterplan, implementation) V.2 Place-Keeping in The Aarhus Lab - Skejby Masterplanning V.3 Discussion VI – Conclusions MP4 Partner Meeting Edinburgh May 2011

Thank You MP4 Partner Meeting Edinburgh May 2011 MP4 HWU Team: Dr Harry Smith Dr Filip Sosenko Dr Marcia Pereira (in absentia!) Prof Glen Bramley Dr Caroline Brown Dr Scott Fernie Marilyn Higgins Dr Alicia Montarzino Dr Jenny Roe