Olympus Mons By: Kaydi Kochi and Leslie Sugiyama
What is it? One of the most dramatic features in the entire Solar System Youngest of the large volcanoes on Mars Located on Mars
Tallest volcano and mountain Located on western hemisphere Shield volcano (similar to the Hawaiian Islands)
How Big? Towers 27 kilometers above surrounding plains Covers total area of 550 kilometer across 2.6 times Mauna Kea Three times taller than Mount Everest above sea level
What You See? If you were to stand on the surface of the Olympus Mons: can’t see the top or any flanks If standing on top: may be able to see across the crater
Over time Scientists think that Olympus Mons was able to get large over millions of years because Mars lacks active plate tectonics 2 million years old
continue... Scientists think that Olympus Mons are able to get large over millions of years because Mars lacks active plate tectonics
Hotspot form and grow over time, releasing more magma Some regions are over 2 million years old
Works Cited n Cain, Fraser. "Olympus Mons on Mars." Universe Today. 5 June Web. 12 Apr n "Mars Exploration: Multimedia." Mars Exploration Program. Web. 12 Apr n "Facts - OlympusMons.com." OlympusMons.com - Your Guide to Olympus Mons - the Largest Volcano in Our Solar System. Web. 12 Apr