24 October 2007 KERSTEN ENGLAND Group Director, Community Services
1 Community Cohesion - origins Disturbances in the summer of 2001 Subsequent reports: - Cantle (Burnley) - Denham (Bradford) - Ritchie (Oldham) Plus, Ouseley Report (Bradford - began 1999/00) Independent Community Cohesion Panel established 2002 Local authority Community Cohesion Plans - now reflected in Community Strategies and LAAs
2 Community Cohesion - common issues highlighted in the reports Poor joined up working between community, faith and business leaders and weak political leadership Older community and religious leaders failing to represent and communicate young people’s interests Lack of social, sporting & cultural activities for young people Inter-community resentment - heightened by allocation of regeneration resources Obstacles preventing engagement in the labour market Communities existing in isolation - “parallel lives” Racist groups often operating unchecked Media coverage exacerbating tensions Increasingly disaffected white community ignored
3 Community Cohesion - what is it? A common vision and sense of belonging for all communities The diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued Those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities Strong and positive relationships are developed between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods. (Home Office, LGA, CRE 2002)
4 Community Cohesion - what does it look like? Not just a ‘race issue’ - a cohesive community is a safe community, where community relations are good, where there is civic participation and involvement, and where there is equity in employment, service delivery and resource allocation.
5 How do we create a cohesive society? Encouraging positive interaction - using housing and planning policy to break down barriers Creating a sense of belonging - valuing diversity and dealing with the ignorance that breeds irrational fear, but also recognising the need for some ‘glue’ or common values to hold society together Combating disadvantage - promoting equity and equality of outcome in education, employment and service delivery Creating safer communities - minimising suspicion, blame and mistrust Recognising the key role of young people as agents of change - school twinning, youth work
6 Calderdale Cohesion Narrowing the Gap (LAA). Housing and Planning – mix and type. Twinning and Cross-Community Activities. Citizenship work and Schools Councils and Youth Council Tensions monitoring and management
7 Changing Contexts 7/7/05 July ’06 Arrests EU A8 migration
8 Safer and Stronger Communities - New LAA framework (October 2007) Through the safer and stronger communities element, Government will be looking for evidence of: Getting on well together A sense of belonging within neighbourhoods Civic participation and how people can influence decisions People treating each other with respect and dignity How satisfied different groups are with the way the police and partners deal with anti-social behaviour Understanding of local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police.
9 Safer and Stronger Communities - New LAA framework (October 2007) Government will also be looking for evidence of how we are: Building resilience to violent extremism Protecting against terrorist attack Questions Main challenges? My agency/organisation/constituency? Calderdale Forward