Student Name Category Gildersleeve Middle School Teacher Name Title of Project This is only a template You determine the Design, Font Style, Font Sizes, and Colors I used Font Style “Andy”, Font Size: 40 (Slide Titles), and Font Size 32 (Bullets) You can add or delete items as you see necessary Recommend you take pictures throughout your project and insert them into your presentation Do not add animation Finally, everything in red font should be removed
Motivation / Purpose Why did you do this project? –(What were you really trying to learn?) Recommend taking from your Abstract
Background Research (Include 3 important bullets you learned from your research that you didn’t know before)
Experimental Design Problem- What is the effect of ___________ on the ____________________________? IV: Levels of the IV: (Put your Control in a different font color) Reason control was selected: DV:
Experimental Design Constants (at least 3) : same ______, _________, and ______ Hypothesis: If ___________is ___________, then ____________ will _______________, than the ____________.
Procedures (Don’t use steps – start w/ a verb - just list them in order) 1. Gather Materials
Procedures (cont) Record and compare all data
Sample Data Table (5 Trials) Write IV Here Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5 Averages Control Write Level of IV (Control) Here Write Level of IV Here Write Level of IV Here Write DV here (with unit of measurement)
Sample Data Table (3 Trials) Put IV Here Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3Averages Control Put Level of IV (Control) here Put Level of IV here Put Level of IV here Put DV here (with unit of measurement)
Data Table Select “Insert Table”
If you use a Trial that falls outside of an acceptable range (this would be a Trial Outlier) Recommend changing the color of the Trial/s in your Data Table Discuss why it went above or below the range Trial Outliers
Sample Trials Graph Put DV (units) here Put IV here
Trials Graph Select “Insert Chart”
Sample Averages Graph Put DV (units) here Put IV here
Averages Graph Select “Insert Chart”
Discussion – (state the averages, then analyze the results of the data)
Conclusion Hypothesis: If ___________is ___________, then ____________ will be _______________ than the __________________. Hypothesis was accepted/rejected, because the _______________had a higher/lower _______________ than the __________________ Technique: Include your original Hypothesis (But don’t state it) Only conclude with whether your Hypothesis was accepted or rejected and why
Comments Errors made: If done differently:
Overall, this science experiment was/wasn’t a success, because Comments (cont)
Are there any questions?