Adrian Badillo 5 th Period 12/3/15
Background “He was a Cyclops” (Atsma) “Lived in a cave in the mountains” (Atsma) “Homer described him to have one eye on his forehead” (Leadbetter)
Description “He was in love with the nymph Galatea” (Leadbetter) “Lived on the island of Thrinacia” (Atsma) “Was the son to Poseidon and Thoosa” (Leadbetter) “Was most known for capturing Odysseus” (Leadbetter)
How it relates to The Odyssey “Polyphemus was a monster who lived on an island. One day Odysseus and his crew landed on his island and wanted to steal provisions from his cave while he was away, but Odysseus was curious as to what a Cyclops looks like. They ended up staying in the cave until Polyphemus came back, but they got caught and was captured” (Leadbetter). “Eventually, Odysseus found a way to defeat Polyphemus by puncturing him in his eye and escaping. Polyphemus prayed to Poseidon to avenge him” (Atsma).
Atsma, Aaron. “Polyphemus.” Theoi. Theoi Project, n.d. Web. 3 Dec Leadbetter, Ron. “Polyphemus.” Encyclopedia Mythica. MMIX Encyclopedia Mythica, 02 May Web. 3 Dec Works Cited