Homer’s Odysseus Odysseus can be played as an action character like Rambo, but…
Trojan Horse “You called out the names of the best men in the army, mimicking the voice of each man’s wife! […] Both of us wanted to jump up and get out […] but Odysseus prevented us and kept us back […] [Odysseus] saved the whole nation […]” (47).
Held Captive on Calypso’s Island “He [Odysseus] was sitting in his usual place on the shore, wearing out his soul with lamentation and tears” (64).
Plan to Free Men From Cyclops “’Among all my schemes and machinations, the best plan I could think of was this. A long spar was lying beside the pen […] They [my men] made it smooth, then I sharpened the end […] I told the others to cast lots who should help me with the pole and rub it into his eye while he was sound asleep” (113).
Odysseus’ character Odysseus is someone who is more than just “brawn” In quotes 1 and 3, Odysseus’ intelligence is evident with his creative plans like the Trojan Horse and his escape from Polyphemus Not only is Odysseus smart, but he also has an emotional side, a trait which is displayed in quote 2. Odysseus is a complex character with a lot of different qualities that we need you to portray in this film.