The Empire Takes Shape Rome had conquered much land when it was a Republic Augustus expanded Roman territory further Britain to Egypt Romans called Mediterranean mare nostrum “our sea”
Augustus and the Senate Augustus had ignored Senate when trying to gain power Respected Senate once in power to avoid looking like a king Said he wanted to share power with Senate This led people to give him as much power as Emperor as he wanted
Ruling the Empire Empire divided into provinces Each was ruled by governor Governor was supported by army Built a capital city in each province Romans made some conquered people as slaves Most were allowed to remain free Empire allowed many freedoms for conquered people Allowed to rule themselves on local level Could practice same religion They did have to buy Roman goods, pay taxes
Nero and Caligula Augustus died in 14AD Some terrible emperors came after him Caligula Proclaimed himself a god Cruel Nero Murdered half-brother, mother, and wife Both possibly insane So despised by later Romans that they tried to remove them from official records
5 Good Emperors Only 1 of these had a son Instead they had to choose successors Hadrian Laws protected women, children, and slaves Standard laws throughout empire Reorganized army so that soldiers defended the lands where they lived Hadrian’s Wall in England Marcus Aurelius Last of the “good emperors” Chose son, Commodus, to rule Commodus was a terrible ruler
Greek Influence Romans admired Greek achievements Hadrian spoke Greek better than Latin Marcus Aurelius wrote a philosophy book in Greek Many Romans visited Greece to study Polytheism Belief in many gods Romans took many Greek gods, changed names Zeus – Jupiter, Athena – Minerva Adopted heroes as well: Hercules – Heracles Followed up on Greek scientific achievements More interested in using them practically, however
Roman Achievements Arch Allowed for larger ceilings and doorways Concrete Allowed for taller and sturdier buildings Colosseum Site for Roman entertainment Held crowd of 50,000 Could be flooded for naval reenactments in boats Elevators Roads Built all around empire to help army travel quickly Primarily built in straight lines Aqueducts Carried water all over empire
Code of Justinian “No one suffers a penalty for what he thinks” “No one may be forcibly removed from his own house” “The burden of proof is upon the person who accuses” Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt Right to face accusers “In inflicting penalties, the age and inexperience of the guilty person must be taken into account”