Deepcut Neighborhood Forum Annual General Meeting 22 nd January 2015 Deepcut Village Centre
DEEPCUT NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM AGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 22 ND JANUARY 2015 HELD AT 7.30PM AT THE DEEPCUT VILLAGE CENTRE Agenda Items: Action Chairman’s ReportDavid Rushmer Treasurer’s Report Howard Hyde Election of Committee The Chairperson Questions & Answers The Committee Any other business The Chairman
1. Identify the issues 2. Develop a vision and objectives 3. Generate options covering issues 4. Draft the neighbourhood plan 5. Consultation and submission 6. Independent examination Identify the key economic, social and environmental issues Based on the Core Strategy and SPD vision and objectives Develop our sustainability framework Appraise the draft plan policies and objectives using the sustainability framework Appraise options using the sustainability framework 7. Referendum and adoption Prepare the sustainability Appraisal Report DEEPCUT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – PROJECT STAGES
Enabling Legislation: Localism Act: enshrined the concept of “locals know their Area best”. Membership open to: all who live and work in the defined Area and elected Council Members for an Area that includes Deepcut (Membership hereinafter referred to as RESIDENTS). WHY SHOULD RESIDENTS PRODUCE A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN? It enables RESIDENTS TO CREATE A BINDING DOCUMENT (A Local Plan for a Defined Area for a Defined Period of Time) which: Creates Greater Ownership than the current system – relatively little consultation/ability to input Creates Certainty through identifying planned usage of land areas May identify areas for potential development, and safeguards others from development Provides protection for the Landscape Character for the Area Potentially enhances Quality of Life by understanding Needs, communicating Rights for Deepcut residents Provides ALL residents with the opportunity to have an input to proposals and to vote on a Plan
WHAT FRAMEWORK DOES A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN WORK WITHIN? The Area identified to, and designated by, the Local Authority as being subject to a Forum The Local Authority’s Long Term Plan (in our case, SHBC’s Core Strategy agreed in 2012) The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Deepcut adopted September 2011 (Regulation 19) Legislation around any Areas with designated status such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Special Protection Areas (SPA) and their Buffer Zones. Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) – a local designation. The Green Belt Engage and Consult with ALL within the Designated Area such as Frimley Fuel Allotments The Basingstoke Canal Authority and the Surrey & Hampshire Canal Society Landowners in both Public and Private Sectors The provisions of the “Localism” Act that covers process relating to both creating and gaining approval for a Neighbourhood Plan including Having a Constitution Minimum Membership numbers but with constraints on Eligibility Communication and consultation obligations Referendum to secure residents approval for any proposed Plan Having any Forum’s Plan tested for “soundness” by external Inspector